

The MIT Department of Biology promotes diversity and inclusion as one of our core values. We welcome and encourage talented individuals of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender identities, and individuals with disabilities, to participate in the Department\u2019s teaching and research endeavors. One of our strengths is a diverse community of scientists, trainees, and staff who share a vision focused on education and discovery, who treat each other respectfully, and who value the contributions of each person.<\/p>\n

Together, we work to understand the foundations of life, and to bring new knowledge to bear on some of the world\u2019s most difficult and pressing problems related to human health, energy, food, and the environment. We advance our collective pursuit of intellectual, creative, and technical excellence by recruiting talented thinkers and doers from all backgrounds<\/a> and experiences to contribute distinct perspectives and skills.<\/p>\n

The Biology Department continually strives to increase the number of underrepresented minority faculty, students, and staff in our community, and to ensure that all feel welcome. In addition, we continually work to make our community accessible to all qualified individuals. In partnership with the university, we place high value on creating and maintaining a supportive environment for studying, working, and living that promotes physical and mental well-being and allows each individual to reach their full potential.<\/p>\n

If you have DEI-related questions or would like to talk, email Hallie Dowling-Huppert<\/a>, the department\u2019s DEI officer<\/a>.<\/p>\n

The department has begun producing annual diversity reports. You can view the most recent report here<\/a>.<\/p>\n

View 2023 Diversity Report<\/a> (Kerberos login required)<\/p>\n

In 2022, the department, with leadership from the Faculty DEI Committee and DEI Officer, launched the MIT Biology Catalyst Symposium<\/a>. \u00a0This symposium is part of a new effort to bring outstanding postdocs from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds in science to engage with members of our community. Aimed specifically at postdocs pursuing academic careers, the three-day symposium provides a venue for participants to share their research, discuss exciting new directions, and make new professional connections. We will welcome eight Catalyst Fellows to campus for the first symposium in May of 2023.<\/p>\n

2023 Catalyst Symposium Details<\/a><\/p>\n

\u201cAt MIT Biology, we are proud to identify and recruit students from a broad range of backgrounds, and to support them \u2014 with enthusiasm and empathy \u2014 on their journey through graduate school. I am gratified by the successes of our many students who never dreamed that they would do a PhD at MIT, but who are thriving and will go on to diversify and enrich the scientific community.\u201d\u00a0~ Amy Keating, former Graduate Officer and current Dept. Head\u00a0<\/strong><\/p><\/blockquote>\n


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council<\/h2>\n

Established in January 2021, the DEI Council is comprised of students, postdocs, staff, and faculty representatives. The goals of this council are to more broadly and comprehensively understand and address the needs of the Department. Council members plan to gather information regarding the needs of community members, discuss and prioritize DEI-related issues, advise other entities in the department (e.g. Department Head, faculty DEI committee, Graduate Committee), and act on its own as appropriate.<\/p>\n

DEI Faculty Committee<\/h2>\n

Established in July 2020, the DEI Faculty Committee focuses on DEI issues of particular relevance to faculty.<\/p>\n

For more information regarding the council and committee members, visit the DEI page<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Explore the DEI Council and DEI Committee<\/a><\/p>\n

View Graduate Program Diversity Stats<\/a><\/p>\n

Promoting Diversity<\/h2>\n

MIT Biology works to increase the numbers of diverse scientists, both at MIT and beyond. Mandana Sassanfar<\/a> leads our outreach programs. She is the Director of Diversity and Science Outreach for the departments of Biology and Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS), and the Diversity Coordinator for the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines. Our outreach programs include:<\/p>\n


\n\t\t\tMIT\u2019s Summer Research Program in Biology (MSRP\u00ad-Bio)<\/a><\/u> is a 10-week research-intensive summer training program, available to non-MIT undergraduates. Students perform research under the guidance of graduate student and postdoc mentors, and meet weekly with faculty for seminars and Q&A sessions.<\/p>\n

Many of our MSRP-Bio alumni<\/a> go on to successful careers in STEM and medicine; some do their graduate or postdoctoral research in our department or in other programs at MIT. One former MSRP-Bio student<\/a> who earned his PhD from MIT Biology is now a faculty member in the department.\t\t<\/div>\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t

\n\t\t\t\tQuantitative Methods Workshop\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t\tThe Quantitative Methods Workshop<\/a> is a week-long workshop in early January that introduces faculty and undergraduate students from our partner institutions to the methods, quantitative tools and programming languages used to analyze data in biology and neuroscience. As a result of attending the workshop, many of our partners have added quantitative training to their curriculum, and students have modified their course plans to include computer science courses.\t\t<\/div>\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t

\n\t\t\t\tLEAH Knox Scholars Program\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t\tThe LEAH Knox Scholars Program<\/a> is a five-week summer lab program for low-income high school students in Boston and Everett, providing hands-on lab experience and mentorship. Its mission is to provide a foundation for science education in college and beyond.\t\t<\/div>\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t

\n\t\t\t\tHigh School Field Trips to MIT\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t\tMIT Field Trips<\/a> bring local high school science teachers and their students to the department for a day of lectures and hands-on activities. High school students meet graduate students and realize they too can become scientists.\t\t<\/div>\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t

\n\t\t\t\tSummer Workshop for Teachers\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t\tThe Summer Workshop for Teachers<\/a> is a one-week workshop for high school science teachers in the greater Boston area, combining lectures and hands-on laboratory courses. This enables teachers to develop new curricula and incorporate modern biology investigations into their own classrooms.\t\t<\/div>\n\n\t\t<\/div>\n

Hear from MSRP alums<\/a><\/p>\n


“MSRP introduced me to a lot of people who shared my background and aspirations. Sharing both successes and\u00a0challenges\u00a0with these like-minded individuals made the whole summer experience better than I could have imagined. Being able to conduct science in this fast-paced environment while having fun also gave me more confidence in my own abilities.”\u00a0~ Alicia Zamudio, MSRP alum<\/strong><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

In addition to these programs, we reach out to undergrads through campus visits and national conferences such as the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students<\/a> (ABRCMS) and the Society for Advancement of Chicanos\/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science<\/a> (SACNAS) meeting. We also partner with the Massachusetts Biotechnology Education Foundation<\/a>\u00a0(MassBioEd) to host professional development workshops for New England middle and high school teachers.<\/p>\n

We want to make it possible for all passionate young researchers to apply to graduate school at MIT. All students in need are eligible for an application fee waiver. Please check the Graduate Admissions website<\/a> to determine if you are eligible.<\/p>\n

Read About Fee Waivers<\/a><\/p>\n

Prospective graduate students from underrepresented or non-traditional backgrounds may also fill out a Biology Application Assistance Program (BAAP) form. BAAP offers student-led application activities, including office hours and panels with current MIT Biograds, to help you prepare your application before submission. The deadline to fill out the BAAP form<\/a> for this admissions cycle is November 15, 2022.<\/p>\n

Questions? Email\u00a0mitbaap@gmail.com<\/a> or visit the BAAP website<\/a> to learn more.<\/p>\n

Submit a BAAP Form<\/a><\/p>\n


\u201cThere is nothing more rewarding than seeing talented, committed, and hardworking students \u2014 who often have limited opportunities at their home institutions \u2014 make the most of their time at MIT, and go on to enroll and succeed in the very top graduate programs in the country.\u201d\u00a0~ Mandana Sassanfar, Director of Diversity and Science Outreach<\/strong><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Department and Institute Resources for Students<\/h2>\n

It\u2019s not enough to recruit diverse scientists<\/a> to our department; we also need to ensure they thrive once they arrive on campus. Student advisors are here to help! In addition, there are many departmental and Institute resources dedicated to ensuring your success at MIT and to help you navigate any challenges that arise.<\/p>\n

In 2018, biology graduate students launched the Biology Diversity Community (BDC), a cross-disciplinary, student-driven group that fosters peer support for underrepresented students that unites a network of individuals throughout the biology community. The BDC focuses on creating a space for individuals and groups to communicate their varying perspectives in the MIT and broader scientific communities, and to discuss how to navigate barriers as graduate students.<\/p>\n


\n\t\t\t\tDepartment Resources\t\t\t<\/h3>\n\t\t\n\t\t