Tyler Jacks

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David H. Koch Professor of Biology; Intramural Faculty, Koch Institute; Daniel K. Ludwig Scholar for Cancer Research

Tyler Jacks is interested in the genetic events contributing to the development of cancer, and his group has created a series of mouse strains engineered to carry mutations in genes known to be involved in human cancers.





Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research


Judy Teixeira



Assistant Phone


  • PhD, 1988, University of California, San Francisco
  • SB, 1983, Biology, Harvard University

Research Summary

Dr. Jacks’ research has focused on developing new methods for the construction and characterization of genetically engineered mouse models or GEMMs of human cancer, and recently has moved into the burgeoning area of tumor immunology to understand the interactions between the immune system and cancer.  His group has produced GEMMs with constitutive and conditional mutations in several tumor suppressor genes, oncogenes, and genes involved in oxidative stress, DNA repair and epigenetic control of gene expression. These GEMMS have been used to examine the mechanism of tumor initiation and progression, to uncover the molecular, genetic and biochemical relationship to the human diseases, as tools to study response and resistance to chemotherapy, and to explore methods in molecular imaging and early detection of cancer.


  • AACR Princess Takamatsu Memorial Lectureship, 2020
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, James R Killian Jr Faculty Achievement Award, 2015
  • Sergio Lombroso Award in Cancer Research, 2015
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow, 2012
  • National Academy of Sciences, Member, 2009
  • Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, Member, 2009
  • Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research, 2005
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute, HHMI Investigator, 1994

Recent Publications

  1. Radical Collaboration: Reimagining Cancer Team Science. Boehm, JS, Jacks, T. 2024. Cancer Discov 14, 563-568.
    doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-23-1496PMID:38571417
  2. Editorial Expression of Concern: p63 and p73 are required for p53-dependent apoptosis in response to DNA damage. Flores, ER, Tsai, KY, Crowley, D, Sengupta, S, Yang, A, McKeon, F, Jacks, T. 2024. Nature 627, E10.
    doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07223-4PMID:38418890
  3. Mismatch repair netbet sports bettingdeficiency is not sufficient to elicit tumor immunogenicity. Westcott, PMK, Muyas, F, Hauck, H, Smith, OC, Sacks, NJ, Ely, ZA, Jaeger, AM, Rideout, WM 3rd, Zhang, D, Bhutkar, A et al.. 2023. Nat Genet 55, 1686-1695.
    doi: 10.1038/s41588-023-01499-4PMID:37709863
  4. A prime editor mouse to model a broad spectrum of somatic mutations in vivo. Ely, ZA, Mathey-Andrews, N, Naranjo, S, Gould, SI, Mercer, KL, Newby, GA, Cabana, CM, Rideout, WM 3rd, Jaramillo, GC, Khirallah, JM et al.. 2024. Nat Biotechnol 42, 424-436.
    doi: 10.1038/s41587-023-01783-yPMID:37169967
  5. Modeling diverse genetic subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma with a next-generation alveolar type 2 organoid platform. Naranjo, S, Cabana, CM, LaFave, LM, Romero, R, Shanahan, SL, Bhutkar, A, Westcott, PMK, Schenkel, JM, Ghosh, A, Liao, LZ et al.. 2022. Genes Dev 36, 936-949.
    doi: 10.1101/gad.349659.122PMID:36175034
  6. Deciphering the immunopeptidome in vivo reveals new tumour antigens. Jaeger, AM, Stopfer, LE, Ahn, R, Sanders, EA, Sandel, DA, Freed-Pastor, WA, Rideout, WM 3rd, Naranjo, S, Fessenden, T, Nguyen, KB et al.. 2022. Nature 607, 149-155.
    doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04839-2PMID:35705813
  7. Low neoantigen expression and poor T-cell priming underlie early immune escape in colorectal cancer. Westcott, PMK, Sacks, NJ, Schenkel, JM, Ely, ZA, Smith, O, Hauck, H, Jaeger, AM, Zhang, D, Backlund, CM, Beytagh, MC et al.. 2021. Nat Cancer 2, 1071-1085.
    doi: 10.1038/s43018-021-00247-zPMID:34738089
  8. Smarca4 Inactivation Promotes Lineage-Specific Transformation and Early Metastatic Features in the Lung. Concepcion, CP, Ma, S, LaFave, LM, Bhutkar, A, Liu, M, DeAngelo, LP, Kim, JY, Del Priore, I, Schoenfeld, AJ, Miller, M et al.. 2022. Cancer Discov 12, 562-585.
    doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0248PMID:34561242
  9. Antigen dominance hierarchies shape TCF1+ progenitor CD8 T cell phenotypes in tumors. Burger, ML, Cruz, AM, Crossland, GE, Gaglia, G, Ritch, CC, Blatt, SE, Bhutkar, A, Canner, D, Kienka, T, Tavana, SZ et al.. 2021. Cell 184, 4996-5014.e26.
    doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.08.020PMID:34534464
  10. Conventional type I dendritic cells maintain a reservoir of proliferative tumor-antigen specific TCF-1+ CD8+ T cells in tumor-draining lymph nodes. Schenkel, JM, Herbst, RH, Canner, D, Li, A, Hillman, M, Shanahan, SL, Gibbons, G, Smith, OC, Kim, JY, Westcott, P et al.. 2021. Immunity 54, 2338-2353.e6.
    doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.08.026PMID:34534439
More Publications






Photo credit: Alisha Siegel