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netbet sports betting app Mentor best practices Mentee competencies
Support your mentee in formulating a career development plan that includes activities to foster professional growth. Support diverse career directions and outcomes. Suggest and encourage mentee involvement in suitable career exploration activities. Introduce mentees to others in your network or otherwise help them make connections. Take a proactive role in your career development. Seek opportunities to advance your netbet online sports bettingProfessional development and discuss them with your mentor.


Refer to the Mentoring Resources page for supporting materials and training opportunities.

  • Student and postdoc IDP processes
  • netbet online sports bettingProfessional development requirement for graduate students (and associated materials).
  • $1k from the department for biograds to attend a conference or netbet online sports bettingProfessional development course/workshop (contact Betsey)
  • Postdoc travel fellowships from biology units.
  • MIT Career and netbet online sports bettingProfessional development (CAPD)
  • Postdoc faculty job search workshops
  • Path of Professorship
  • IAP talks/panels
  • MIT Biotech Group

Potential pitfalls for mentors

  • Devaluing non-academic career paths / extracurricular activities that are important to your individuals in training.
  • Treating career-development activities as “extramural” and not part of the training experience.