With programmable pixels, novel sensor improves imaging of neural activity

New camera chip design allows for optimizing each pixel’s timing to maximize signal to noise ratio when tracking real-time visual indicator of neural voltage, described in a new paper from a team in the Wilson Lab published in Nature Communications.

David Orenstein | The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
June 7, 2024
Microscope system sharpens scientists’ view of neural circuit connections

To study plasticity in the brain, neuroscientists seek to track it at high resolution across whole cells, which is challenging in part because brain tissue is notorious for scattering light and making images fuzzy. A newly described technology described in a paper in Scientific netbet online sports bettingReports improves the clarity and speed of using two-photon microscopy to image synapses in the live brain. The paper was co-authored by Elly Nedivi, the William R. (1964) and Linda R. Young Professor of Neuroscience in the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory and the Department of Biology.

David Orenstein | The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
June 4, 2024