Two first-year students named Rise Global Winners for 2022

Now in its second year, the Rise program targets exceptional teenage scholars from around the world for their potential as future change-makers.

Elizabeth Durant | Office of the Vice Chancellor
October 26, 2022

In 2019, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt and his wife, Wendy, launched a $1 billion philanthropic commitment to identify global talent. Part of that effort is the Rise initiative, which selects 100 young scholars, ages 15-17, from around the world who show unusual promise and a drive to serve others. This year’s cohort of 100 Rise Global Winners includes two MIT first-year students, Jacqueline Prawira and Safiya Sankari.

Rise intentionally targets younger-aged students and focuses on identifying what the program terms “hidden brilliance” in any form, anywhere in the world, whether it be in a high school or a refugee camp. Another defining aspect of the program is that Rise winners receive sustained support — not just in secondary school, but throughout their lives.

“We believe that the answers to the world’s toughest problems lie in the imagination of the world’s brightest minds,” says Eric Braverman, CEO of Schmidt Futures, which manages Rise along with the Rhodes Trust. “Rise is an integral part of our mission to create the best, largest, and most enduring pipeline of exceptional talent globally and match it to opportunities to serve others for life.”

The Rise program creates this enduring pipeline by providing a lifetime of benefits, including funding, programming, and mentoring opportunities. These resources can be tailored to each person as they evolve throughout their career. In addition to a four-year college scholarship, winners receive mentoring and career services; networking opportunities with other Rise recipients and partner organizations; technical equipment such as laptops or tablets; courses on topics like leadership and human-centered design; and opportunities to apply for graduate scholarships and for funding throughout their careers to support their innovative ideas, such as grants or seed money to start a social enterprise.

Prawira and Sankari’s winning service projects focus on global sustainability and global medical access, respectively. Prawira invented a way to use upcycled fish-scale waste to absorb heavy metals in wastewater. She first started experimenting with fish-scale waste in middle school to try to find a bio-based alternative to plastic. More recently, she discovered that the calcium salts and collagen in fish scales can absorb up to 82 percent of heavy metals from water, and 91 percent if an electric current is passed through the water. Her work has global implications for treating contaminated water at wastewater plants and in developing countries.

Prawiri published her research in 2021 and has won awards from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several other organizations. She’s planning to major in Course 3 (materials science and engineering), perhaps with an environmentally related minor. “I believe that sustainability and solving environmental problems requires a multifaced approach,” she says. “Creating greener materials for use in our daily lives will have a major impact in solving current environmental issues.”

For Sankari’s service project, she developed an algorithm to analyze data from electronic nano-sensor devices, or e-noses, which can detect certain diseases from a patient’s breath. The devices are calibrated to detect volatile organic compound biosignatures that are indicative of diseases like diabetes and cancer. “E-nose disease detection is much faster and cheaper than traditional methods of diagnosis, making medical care more accessible to many,” she explains. The Python-based algorithm she created can translate raw data from e-noses into a result that the user can read.

Sankari is a lifetime member of the American Junior Academy of Science and has been a finalist in several prestigious science competitions. She is considering a major in Course 6-7 (computer science and molecular biology) at MIT and hopes to continue to explore the intersection between nanotechnology and medicine.

While the 2022 Rise recipients share a desire to tackle some of the world’s most intractable problems, their ideas and interests, as reflected by their service projects, are broad, innovative, and diverse. A winner from Belarus used bioinformatics to predict the molecular effect of a potential Alzheimer’s drug. A Romanian student created a magazine that aims to promote acceptance of transgender bodies. A Vietnamese teen created a prototype of a toothbrush that uses a nano chip to detect cancerous cells in saliva. And a recipient from the United States designed modular, tiny homes for the unhoused that are affordable and sustainable, as an alternative to homeless shelters.

This year’s winners were selected from over 13,000 applicants from 47 countries, from Azerbaijan and Burkina Faso to Lebanon and Paraguay. The selection process includes group interviews, peer and expert review of each applicant’s service project, and formal talent assessments.

A “door” into the mitochondrial membrane

Study finds the protein MTCH2 is responsible for shuttling various other proteins into the membrane of mitochondria. The finding could have implications for cancer treatments and MTCH2-linked conditions.

Eva Frederick | Whitehead Institute
October 25, 2022

Mitochondria — the organelles responsible for energy production in human cells — were once free-living organisms that found their way into early eukaryotic cells over a billion years ago. Since then, they have merged seamlessly with their hosts in a classic example of symbiotic evolution, and now rely on many proteins made in their host cell’s nucleus to function properly.

Proteins on the outer membrane of mitochondria are especially important; they allow the mitochondria to communicate with the rest of the cell, and play a role in immune functions and a type of programmed cell death called apoptosis. Over the course of evolution, cells evolved a specific mechanism by which to insert these proteins — which are made in the cell’s cytoplasm — into the mitochondrial membrane. But what that mechanism was, and what cellular players were involved, has long been a mystery.

A new paper from the labs of MIT Professor Jonathan Weissman and Caltech Professor Rebecca Voorhees provides a solution to that mystery. The work, published Oct. 21 in the journal Science, reveals that a protein called mitochondrial carrier homolog 2, or MTCH2 for short, which has been linked to many cellular processes and even diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s, is responsible for acting as a “door” for a variety of proteins to access the mitochondrial membrane.

“Until now, no one knew what MTCH2 was really doing — they just knew that when you lose it, all these different things happen to the cell,” says Weissman, who is also member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. “It was sort of a mystery why this one protein affects so many different processes. This study gives a molecular basis for understanding why MTCH2 was implicated in Alzheimer’s and lipid biosynthesis and mitochondrial fission and fusion: because it was responsible for inserting all these different types of proteins in the membrane.”

“The collaboration between our labs was essential in understanding the biochemistry of this interaction, and has led to a really exciting new understanding of a fundamental question in cell biology,” Voorhees says.

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In order to find out how proteins from the cytoplasm — specifically a class called tail-anchored proteins — were being inserted into the outer membranes of mitochondria, Weismann Lab postdoc and first author of the study Alina Guna, alongside Voorhees Lab graduate student Taylor Stevens and postdoc Alison Inglis, decided to use a technique called used the CRISPR interference (or CRISPRi) screening approach, which was invented by Weissman and collaborators.

“The CRISPR screen let us systematically get rid of every gene, and then look and see what happened [to one specific tail-anchored protein],” says Guna. “We found one gene, MTCH2, where when we got rid of it there was a huge decrease in how much of our protein got to the mitochondrial membrane. So we thought, maybe this is the doorway to get in.”

To confirm that MTCH2 was acting as a doorway into the mitochondrial membrane, the researchers performed additional experiments to observe what happened when MTCH2 was not present in the cell. They found that MTCH2 was both necessary and sufficient to allow tail-anchored membrane proteins to move from the cytoplasm into the mitochondrial membrane.

MTCH2’s ability to shuttle proteins from the cytoplasm into the mitochondrial membrane is likely due to its specialized shape. The researchers ran the protein’s sequence through Alpha Fold, an artificial intelligence system that predicts a protein’s structure through its amino acid sequence, which revealed that it is a hydrophobic protein — perfect for inserting into the oily membrane — but with a single hydrophilic groove where other proteins could enter.

“It’s basically like a funnel,” Guna says. “Proteins come from the cytosol, they slip into that hydrophilic groove and then move from the protein into the membrane.”

To confirm that this groove was important in the protein’s function, Guna and her colleagues designed another experiment. “We wanted to play around with the structure to see if we could change its behavior, and we were able to do that,” Guna says. “We went in and made a single point mutation, and that point mutation was enough to really change how the protein behaved and how it interacted with substrates. And then we went on and found mutations that made it less active and mutations that made it super active.”

The new study has applications beyond answering a fundamental question of mitochondria research. “There’s a whole lot of things that come out of this,” Guna says.

For one thing, MTCH2 inserts proteins key to a type of programmed cell death called apoptosis, which researchers could potentially harness for cancer treatments. “We can make leukemia cells more sensitive to a cancer treatment by giving them a mutation that changes the activity of MTCH2,netbet sports betting app” Guna says. “The mutation makes MTCH2 act more ‘greedy’ and insert more things into the membrane, and some of those things that have inserts are like pro-apoptotic factors, so then those cells are more likely to die, which is fantastic in the context of a cancer treatment.”

The work also raises questions about how MTCH2 developed its function over time. MTCH2 evolved from a family of proteins called the solute carriers, which shuttle a variety of substances across cellular membranes. “We’re really interested in this evolution question of, how do you evolve a new function from an old, ubiquitous class of proteins?” Weissman says.

And researchers still have much to learn about how mitochondria interact with the rest of the cell, including how they react to stress and changes within the cell, and how proteins find their way to mitochondria in the first place. “I think that [this paper] is just the first step,” Weissman says. “This only applies to one class of membrane proteins — and it doesn’t tell you all of the steps that happen after the proteins are made in the cytoplasm. For example, how are they ferried to mitochondria? So stay tuned — I think we’ll be learning that we now have a very nice system for opening up this fundamental piece of cell biology.”

Sally Kornbluth is named as MIT’s 18th president

As Duke University’s provost since 2014, she has advocated for faculty excellence and reinforced the institution’s commitment to the student experience.

Steve Bradt | MIT News Office
October 20, 2022

Sally A. Kornbluth, a cell biologist whose eight-year tenure as Duke University’s provost has earned her a reputation as a brilliant administrator, a creative problem-solver, and a leading advocate of academic excellence, has been selected as MIT’s 18th president.

Kornbluth, 61, was elected to the post this morning by a vote of the MIT Corporation. She will assume the MIT presidency on Jan. 1, 2023, succeeding L. Rafael Reif, who last February announced his intention to step down after 10 years leading the Institute.

A distinguished researcher and dedicated mentor, Kornbluth is currently the Jo Rae Wright University Professor of Biology at Duke. She has served on the Duke faculty since 1994, first as a member of the Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology in the Duke University School of Medicine and then as a member of the Department of Biology in the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences.

As Duke’s provost since 2014, Kornbluth has served as the chief academic officer of one of the nation’s leading research universities, with broad responsibility for carrying out Duke’s teaching and research missions; developing its intellectual priorities; and partnering with others to achieve wide-ranging gains for the university’s faculty and students. She oversees Duke’s 10 schools and six institutes, and holds ultimate responsibility for admissions, financial aid, libraries, and all other facets of academic and student life.

“The ethos of MIT, where groundbreaking research and education are woven into the DNA of the institution, is thrilling to me,” Kornbluth says. “The primary role of academic leadership is in attracting outstanding scholars and students, and in supporting their important work. And when it comes to the impact of that work, MIT is unparalleled — in the power of its innovations, in its ability to move those innovations into the world, and in its commitment to discovery, creativity, and excellence.”

“My greatest joy as a leader has always been in facilitating and amplifying the work of others,” Kornbluth adds. “I am eager to meet all the brilliant, entrepreneurial people of MIT, and to champion their research, teaching, and learning.”

A broad search with extensive consultation

Kornbluth’s election as MIT’s president is the culmination of an eight-month process in which a 20-member presidential search committee generated a list of approximately 250 possible candidates for the presidency. These candidates brought a broad range of backgrounds in academia and beyond, and included both members of the MIT community and people outside the Institute.

“Dr. Sally Kornbluth is an extraordinary find for MIT,” says MIT Corporation Chair Diane B. Greene SM ’78. “She is decisive and plain-spoken, a powerhouse administrator who has proactively embraced critical issues like free speech and DEI. An accomplished scientist with a liberal arts background, Dr. Kornbluth is a broadly curious, principled leader who deeply understands MIT’s strengths. Her vision and her humanity will inspire our hearts and minds, and her comprehension of the importance of discovery, innovation, and entrepreneurship will serve us well as MIT confronts the challenges of today’s world.”

The presidential search committee was chaired by MIT Corporation Life Member John W. Jarve ’78, SM ’79. Under his leadership, the committee conducted comprehensive outreach with MIT faculty, students, staff, alumni, and individuals beyond MIT.

“Through these exhaustive efforts, we created a list of attributes for MIT’s next president, to ensure our new leader would have a successful tenure at MIT, would be widely embraced by the MIT community, and would maintain MIT’s excellence as the world’s leading science and technology university,” Jarve says. “I am confident that we have found that leader in Sally Kornbluth, who appreciates MIT’s uniqueness, is committed to maintaining its standards of excellence, and is intellectually broad and insatiably curious.”

“Although she is new to MIT, Sally Kornbluth is a scholar who seems cut from our own cloth,” adds Lily L. Tsai, the Ford Professor of Political Science and chair of the MIT faculty, who also served on the search committee. “She is a bold leader with exceptional judgment; an active listener who seeks all viewpoints with a genuinely open-minded approach; a principled, high-integrity individual who is trusted by her community; and a person with experience handling crises with wisdom and calm. I look forward to welcoming her to our community.”

Wide-ranging gains for Duke faculty and students

After becoming Duke’s provost on July 1, 2014, Kornbluth quickly established herself as a transformative leader who partnered eagerly with faculty and others to build upon the university’s strengths. The first woman to serve Duke as its provost, she became a forceful advocate for faculty excellence, advancement, and diversity.

“The presidency of MIT is a wonderful responsibility,” says outgoing President L. Rafael Reif. “Known for her brilliance, wide-ranging curiosity, and collaborative, down-to-earth style, Sally Kornbluth is a terrific choice to lead our distinctive community, and I look forward to seeing MIT continue to flourish under her leadership.”

As provost, Kornbluth prioritized investments to fortify Duke’s faculty, strengthened its leadership in interdisciplinary scholarship and education, and pursued innovations in undergraduate education. She guided the development of a strategic plan, called Together Duke, that engaged faculty from across the university to advance its educational and research mission.

She also spearheaded a concerted effort to cultivate greater strength in science and engineering at Duke, complementing its longstanding prominence in the humanities and social sciences. That effort has led to the addition in recent years of more than two dozen Duke faculty members in the sciences and engineering, with particular focus on quantum computing, data science, materials science, and biological resilience.

Simultaneously, Kornbluth led efforts to develop a pipeline of faculty from underrepresented groups, aiming to make Duke more diverse and inclusive. She created an Office for Faculty Advancement that helped to grow the number of Black faculty members across campus from 67 in 2017 to more than 100 today, and provided seed money for projects aimed at creating a more inclusive environment for underrepresented faculty as well as funding scholarly projects on race and social equity.

As provost, Kornbluth also reinvigorated Duke’s commitment to the student experience, both in and out of the classroom. Her team sought opportunities to make Duke more accessible and affordable, including new scholarships for first-generation students; increases in need-based financial aid; a preorientation program that includes all first-year students; and a new residential system that more closely links living and learning. During her tenure, Duke has also launched university-wide courses that Kornbluth describes as “essential things for every student to understand,” on topics such as race and climate change.

Kornbluth has adapted some of the lessons from those undergraduate-focused initiatives to benefit graduate and professional students, while partnering with Duke’s Graduate School and her vice provosts to improve the quality of mentoring and other support for graduate students.

She oversaw the launch of the undergraduate degree program at Duke Kunshan University, a liberal arts and research university created in partnership with Wuhan University to offer academic programs for students from China and throughout the world. She has sought to extend Duke’s international outreach and has encouraged the development of new partnerships with a focus on social, economic, and environmental issues impacting societies around the world.

Kornbluth also guided many of Duke’s schools, centers, and institutes through significant leadership transitions. She oversaw a number of key leadership hires, including the appointment of new deans for Duke’s Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, the Pratt School of Engineering, Duke Divinity School, the Sanford School of Public Policy, the Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke’s Graduate School, and the Duke University School of Law, as well as the university librarian and a new vice provost for learning innovation and digital education.

“Sally Kornbluth has demonstrated the ability to lead across disciplines, and to catalyze the type of cross-disciplinary initiatives that have been so instrumental to MIT’s ability to contribute advances in technology and engineering for the betterment of the world,” says Kristala L. Jones Prather, the Arthur Dehon Little Professor of Chemical Engineering, who served on the presidential search committee.

From music to political science to genetics

Born in Paterson, New Jersey, Sally Ann Kornbluth grew up in nearby Fair Lawn. Her father, George, was a music-loving accountant; her mother, Myra, was an opera singer who performed regularly at the New York City Opera, the Metropolitan Opera, and elsewhere around the world under the name Marisa Galvany.

Inspired by a high school teacher, Kornbluth studied political science as an undergraduate at Williams College. Early in her undergraduate years, she gave little thought to studying science, until she had to take a course on human biology and social issues as part of distribution requirements needed to graduate.

“I thought it was really interesting, and, once I saw what science was really about, I found it very exciting,” she recalled in a 2014 interview. “I just hadn’t had that opportunity in high school.”

After earning her BA in political science from Williams in 1982, Kornbluth received a scholarship to attend Cambridge University for two years as a Herchel Smith Scholar at Emmanuel College, ultimately earning a BA in genetics from Cambridge in 1984.

Kornbluth returned to the U.S. to pursue a PhD in molecular oncology at Rockefeller University, awarded in 1989, and then went on to postdoctoral training at the University of California at San Diego. She joined the Duke faculty as an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology in 1994, becoming an associate professor in 2000 and a full professor in 2005.

Research impacts in cellular behavior — and far beyond

At Duke, Kornbluth’s research focused on the biological signals that tell a cell to start dividing or to self-destruct — processes that are key to understanding cancer as well as various degenerative disorders. She has published extensively on cell proliferation and programmed cell death, studying both phenomena in a variety of organisms. Her research has helped to show how cancer cells evade this programmed death, or apoptosis, and how metabolism regulates the cell death process; her work has also clarified the role of apoptosis in regulating the duration NetBet sportof female fertility in vertebrates.

Kornbluth eventually transitioned into administrative roles at Duke for what she describes as “nonaltruistic reasons: I wanted to attract the best possible students, and I wanted better scientific core facilities.” Her first senior administrative position came when she was named vice dean for basic science at the Duke School of Medicine in 2006, a post she held until being named provost in 2014.

In this role, Kornbluth served as a liaison between the dean of medicine and faculty leaders; oversaw biomedical graduate programs; implemented efforts to support research in basic science; allocated laboratory space; oversaw new and existing core laboratories; and worked with department chairs to recruit and retain faculty. From 2009 to 2011, she also oversaw the clinical research enterprise in the Duke School of Medicine.

As Duke’s provost, with a much wider purview, Kornbluth has worked to foster interdisciplinary efforts across campus. “University leaders need to have broad-ranging intellectual curiosity, and interests in a wide range of topics,” she says. “At MIT, I think there is particularly rich potential in the places where science and engineering brush up against the humanities and social sciences. I am eager to soak in the MIT culture, listen, draw out the best from everyone, and do my part to encourage the Institute to grow ever better.”

Members of MIT’s presidential search committee also look forward to Kornbluth’s arrival on campus.

“In our community conversations, we would again and again come back to three important attributes: that the president be someone who embraces MIT’s unique culture, takes care of the people who create it, and is unafraid to improve it,” says committee member Yu Jing Chen ’22, now a graduate student in urban studies and planning. “For these reasons, we couldn’t be more excited to see Sally Kornbluth lead MIT.”

“Sally Kornbluth is someone who cares about people, and she demonstrated at Duke her passion for excellence and her respect for everyone, no matter their role,” says committee member Deborah Liverman, who serves as executive director of MIT Career Advising and Professional Development. “Those are values that are important to the thousands of people who work to keep MIT the extraordinary place it is. I am eager to see what we can accomplish with her leading the way.”​

Among other honors, Kornbluth received the Basic Science Research Mentoring Award from the Duke School of Medicine in 2012 and the Distinguished Faculty Award from the Duke Medical Alumni Association in 2013. She is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, the National Academy of Inventors, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Kornbluth’s husband, Daniel Lew, is the James B. Duke Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology at the Duke School of Medicine. Their son, Alex, is a PhD student in electrical engineering and computer science at MIT, and their daughter, Joey, is a medical student at the University of California at San Francisco.

Unusual Labmates: How C. elegans Wormed Its Way into Science Stardom
Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
September 20, 2022



Michael Stubna, a graduate student in Whitehead Institute Member David Bartel’s lab, peers into his microscope at the Petri dish full of agar gel below. He spots one of his research specimens, a millimeter-long nematode worm known as Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), slithering across the coating of bacteria–the worm’s food source–on the surface of the gel. The worm leaves sinuous tracks in its wake like a skier slaloming down a slope.


Michael looks up from the microscope and grabs his worm pick, a metal wire sticking out of a glass tube. He runs the end of the pick through a Bunsen burner flame until the wire glows red, using heat to sanitize the tool. Then he returns his attention to the microscope. He nudges the Petri dish to re-center the worm, and, once the pick has cooled, he coats the tip with some of the sticky bacterial food and uses it to skillfully pluck the worm from the surface of the gel. He puts a fresh dish of agar under the microscope, and presses the pick, with the worm still adhered, to the surface. Almost immediately, the worm sets off, carving fresh tracks into the pristine bacterial lawn.

Michael is cultivating C. elegans in order to use them to study microRNAs, tiny RNA molecules involved in gene regulation. Right now, Michael is the only researcher in the Bartel lab using the worms, but in the wider research world, C. elegans is a popular model organism. At first glance, C. elegans is a rather unassuming animal. Barely large enough to see with the naked eye, in nature the worms reside in soil and decomposing vegetation, feasting on bacteria. Except for their heads, their bodies can only bend up and down, so the animals crawl on their sides. The worms have simple tube bodies and are capable of a limited range of behaviors. Nevertheless, researchers frequently turn to C. elegans to learn about not only their biology, but our own. C. elegans is one of the most intimately understood species in biology—the first animal to have its complete genome sequenced or its neural circuitry completely mapped. How did this simple worm become so well studied and a fixture in laboratories around the world?

Making a model

The species C. elegans was first identified, and used in research, after being found in the soil in Algeria around 1900. However, its popularity as a research model skyrocketed in the 1970s, after biologist Sydney Brenner, then at the Medical Research Council  Laboratory of Molecular Biology and later the founder of the Molecular Sciences Institute, made the case for it as the best new model species for the field of molecular biology. [1], [2]

What makes C. elegans such a good model organism? The worm exists in a “just right” zone of biological complexity: it is complex enough to have many of the features that researchers want to study, but simple enough that those same features can be examined comprehensively. For example, each C. elegans has 302 neurons, which is enough to be a useful model for everything from questions about how brains form, to how they sense and respond to stimuli, to how neuronal pathways give rise to specific behaviors, to how different diseases cause neurodegeneration. At the same time, 302 neurons is a small enough number for researchers to be able to study each individual  neuron and its connections thoroughly. (In comparison, a fruit fly has around 100,000 neurons.)

In the same way, C. elegans has just enough complexity to be used to model other common aspects of animal biology, including muscle function, reproduction, digestion, wound healing, aging, and more. It shares many genes with humans and can even be used to model human disease. For example, researchers have used C. elegans to model neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Additionally, C. elegans has many advantages as a research subject. The worm’s skin is transparent, so researchers can easily observe and capture images of changes occurring inside of its body down to a cellular or even sub-cellular level.

C. elegans is small, hardy, and easy to rear in the laboratory. Fed a simple diet of bacteria and kept at 20 degrees Celsius, C. elegans will mature from an egg, through four larval stages, to a fertile adult in three days. It can then rapidly reproduce to provide researchers with thousands of specimens. C. elegans live for about three weeks, allowing for quick generational turnover, but if researchers want to keep the worms alive for longer, this is easy to do by putting the worms in stasis.

In nature, it is common to find the worms in a state of suspended animation, in which they can survive for months. [3] During poor environmental conditions, such as when food is scarce, instead of maturing into their usual third larval stage, the worms will enter what is known as a dauer stage, a hardier but inactive larval form. When environmental conditions improve, the worms exit the dauer stage and resume normal development. Researchers can recreate this process in the lab.

If a researcher is going out of town for a few days, they can keep their worms in a refrigerator at 4 degrees Celsius. They also have a simple solution for storing worms long term: freezing them. Worms put in a negative 80-degree Celsius freezer can survive for years and still be recovered. This makes the worms much easier to maintain than other common model organisms, which need constant maintenance to keep them alive, fed, and reproducing.

“With most model organisms, if you go away on vacation you need to find someone to look after your specimens while you are gone,” Stubna says. “That’s not necessary with worms.”

Another advantage of C. elegans is how easy it is to generate large numbers of them. Most C. elegans are self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. They cannot mate with each other, but each worm can generate hundreds of offspring on its own. The self-fertilizing nature of C. elegans generally works in researchers’ favor, as along with making it easy to generate lots of new worms, self-fertilization makes genetic inheritance simpler to predict and manipulate in order to maintain a desired mutation throughout the generations. However, sometimes researchers may want to cross-breed their specimens, for example to combine mutations found in separate adults in an offspring.
Fortunately for researchers, the rare C. elegans worm is male—around .1-.2% in the wild [4] — and males can fertilize hermaphrodites’ eggs, enabling cross-breeding. C. elegans males arise in the wild due to a deviation during sex cell division. Hermaphrodite C. elegans have two X chromosomes. When one of these fails to form correctly, the resulting worm with its one X chromosome will be male, having some key anatomical differences. If researchers need lots of males for their work, they can increase the percentage of a hermaphrodite’s offspring that are male by exposing the worm to heat before it reproduces or by using genetic manipulation. Then, researchers can selectively breed male-heavy populations to further increase the ratio over time.
Researchers have developed a variety of tools and approaches over the years with which to manipulate C. elegans genetically. These have enabled researchers to learn a lot about both the worm’s genes, and genes that it shares with humans and other animals. One useful approach is the development of marker strains.

Getting to know C. elegans inside and out

After Brenner landed on C. elegans as an ideal model, his research group began several ambitious projects to comprehensively understand the worm’s biology. In the following decades, the worm’s anatomy and genome would be detailed in unprecedented detail. The more that researchers learned about the worm, the better a model it became.

Creating a complete cell lineage and neural map

C. elegans is remarkable in that every worm has the same exact number of cells: 959 in the adult hermaphrodite (not counting the cells that will become eggs or sperm). 302 of these cells are neurons. Researchers in Brenner’s group created two first-of-their-kind resources documenting the details of this biology. First, they mapped the worms’ complete cell lineage, recording every cell division that occurs during the worms’ development from fertilized egg to adult. This resource makes it easy for researchers to study how different factors contribute to—or can alter—this development.

Then, the researchers created a wiring diagram, or connectome, of the hermaphrodite worm’s 302 neurons and their thousands of synapses—the junction points where neurons interact. Researchers have used this wiring diagram to identify neurons involved in many different behaviors in C. elegans, as well as to understand how brains form and function across animal species. [5,6] C. elegans was the first, and as of 2021 the only, animal to have had its brain completely mapped.

Capturing the complete genome

In 1998, C. elegans made the news as the first animal to have its complete genome sequenced. The completion of the 15-year-long sequencing project, helmed by the C. elegans Sequencing Consortium, was announced in a special issue of Science. Researchers had previously compiled complete genomes for a variety of single-celled species, but as an animal, C. elegans had a significantly larger genome. The complete NetBet live casinogenome provided many useful insights into individual genes, and the relationships between genes both within C. elegans and between species. The ambitious project also proved instructive for how to sequence large genomes. In fact, the Human Genome Project helped to fund the sequencing of C. elegans as a stepping stone to the ultimate goal of sequencing the human genome, which was achieved in 2003.

With C. elegans’ genetics, anatomy, and other biology so thoroughly documented, the worms became an even more potent model organism. Researchers now had a wealth of foundational knowledge about the worm that they could use to make and test hypotheses about specific questions.

Worm culture

As the use of C. elegans in science grew, a community formed among the worm’s researchers. The C. elegans community was quick to develop and share resources. The Worm Breeder’s Gazette is a semi-annual newsletter first published in 1975, which shares information of interest to the C. elegans community such as experimental techniques and new findings. The Caenorhabditis Genetics Center (CGC), founded in 1979, is a central repository from which researchers can order thousands of different strains of C. elegans for use in their own research.

From the early years, prominent researchers working with C. elegans believed strongly in sharing data both among researchers and with the public. This openness set the tone for the field of molecular biology more broadly; for example, open data sharing policies around the sequencing of the C. elegans genome encouraged the Human Genome Project to follow suit.

The worm community often had to build its own tools in order to share data on the scales its members desired. One big project was the creation of ACeDB (A C. elegans Database), a database management system capable of storing and displaying many different kinds of biological information about C. elegans, including its complete genome, in a user-friendly way. The current iteration of ACeDB, known as WormBase, contains the annotated genomes of C. elegans and related nematodes, information on every known C. elegans gene and its function, genetic maps, the C. elegans cell lineage and connectome, and much more. The ACeDB software was soon used to create similar databases for other model organisms. Such databases now exist for many different species, making detailed biological data widely available to everyone. These databases are also often used to share the latest research, maintain a consensus around scientific terminology and gene annotation, and provide educational resources on the model organism. Anyone looking for general information on C. elegans can also visit WormBook, an open access, online review of C. elegans biology.

With these resources and others, the C. elegans community fostered a culture of sharing and scientific openness that continues to this day.

A few of the many discoveries and further tool development

C. elegans researchwith its wealth of experimental tools and methods, pre-existing data with which to build and test hypotheses, and a worldwide community happy to share resources, has been the source of many important discoveries over the years. Many of these discoveries have also added to researchers’ toolkits, providing new ways to experiment with C. elegans and other research specimens. A few of these myriad impactful discoveries are highlighted below.

Insights into development and programmed cell death

Brenner and two researchers whom he had mentored, John Sulston, then at the The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, and Robert Horvitz, then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), were awarded the first Nobel Prize for work done in C. elegans in 2002. When the researchers were creating the C. elegans cell lineage map, they saw that some cells created during development died off at particular moments, and that this programmed destruction of cells, called apoptosis, was an essential part of creating the adult body. They identified key genes that regulate apoptosis, and their work led to insights into the role of apoptosis in human development, as well as in health and disease. For example, cancer cells are able to avoid apoptosis, and many modern cancer therapies work by reenabling apoptosis of cancer cells.

Andrew Fire at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Craig Mello at the University of Massachusetts Medical School used C. elegans to discover RNA interference (RNAi), a process that cells use to stop genes from being expressed. RNAi became an important research tool after researchers figured out how to tailor RNAi to turn off genes that they are interested in studying in different cells and species. Researchers turn off a gene and see what changes, which helps them figure out the gene’s function. People have also found uses for RNAi in medicine and industry. RNAi is easy to use in C. elegans — researchers can apply it to worms by simply feeding them modified bacteria — so this tool made the worms an even better model for genetics research. Fire and Mellow earned a Nobel Prize for their discovery in 2006.

Introducing a new visual tag

C. elegans also contributed to the development of another popular and powerful research tool, green fluorescent protein (GFP). GFP is a protein first found in jellyfish. It glows green under certain light waves. Martin Chalfie at Columbia University showed in C. elegans that the genetic code for GFP could be added as a tag to genes of interest, and then the products of those genes would glow, providing researchers with a great visual marker of where and when the genes were expressed. Chalfie shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this work, and researchers now frequently use GFP and similar molecules as visual markers in experiments across species and cell types.

A model for aging

In 1993, Cynthia Kenyon at the University of California, San Francisco and colleagues discovered that mutations to a single gene, daf-2, along with the normal activity of a second gene, daf-16, could more than double the lifespan of C. elegans. Kenyon and others intrigued by this  discovery would go on to use C. elegans to ask questions about the molecular mechanisms governing aging. Researchers have also studied how equivalent genes affect aging in other animals, including humans.

A model for sex determination, reproduction, and development

C. elegans has been used to explore questions related to sex, reproduction, and development. Barbara Meyer, then at MIT, now at the University of California, Berkeley, discovered the mechanism of sex determination in the worm, and has uncovered mechanisms by which gene expression is regulated to compensate an animal having one or two X chromosomes. Other researchers have used C. elegans to make important discoveries about germ cells, the cells that give rise to eggs and sperm. Judith Kimble and John White, then at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, now at the University of Wisconsin–Madison discovered the first germline stem cell niche in C. elegans, which is the place where animals maintain a pool of stem cells with which to keep producing new germ cells over time. This finding had implications for fertility and regeneration research. Geraldine Seydoux at Johns Hopkins University has used C. elegans to investigate unique features of germ cells, as well as how sperm and egg interact and how the early embryo prepares to form a complex adult body.

Understanding sense of smell

Thanks in large part to C. elegans having such a well-mapped nervous system, the worm has been a common model for researchers studying how animals sense and respond to stimuli in their environments. Cori Bargmann, an alumna of Whitehead Institute, now at Rockefeller University, studies how C. elegans sense and process outside stimuli, how those stimuli can trigger changes in behavior, and how the brain can be rewired to modify behaviors over time. Bargmann’s research has particularly illuminated the worm’s sense of smell. She found the first evidence of a receptor for a specific smell, and her work more broadly shed light on how animals are able to recognize many different types of smells.

A rich history of discovery

This is just a small sampling of the important discoveries that have been made in C. elegans. WormBook has compiled a list of many such achievements, including the discovery of multiple key molecules and pathways present across animals.

Worms at Whitehead Institute

Michael uses C. elegans to study microRNAs.

C. elegans have long played an important role in microRNA research; in fact, microRNAs were first discovered in C. elegansVictor Ambros and colleagues, and Gary Ruvkun and colleagues, published papers describing the first identified microRNA, lin-4, and its target, in 1993. At first, researchers thought that the small gene-regulating molecule might be an oddity. However, in 2000, Ruvkun discovered a second microRNA, and by the next year researchers—including Whitehead Institute Member David Bartel—had identified many more microRNAs in C. elegans, as well as microRNAs in other species. [12] Collectively, this research implied that microRNAs were a common and important regulator of gene expression across species. The field of microRNA research exploded, and microRNAs became the focus of Bartel’s lab.

In spite of the importance of C. elegans in establishing microRNA research, both in the field at large and in the Bartel lab specifically, no one in the lab was using C. elegans as a research model when Michael joined. However, as Michael–who had previous experience working with C. elegans–began to plan his graduate research, he realized that the worm would be the perfect model in which to explore his topic of interest: how microRNAs are regulated. Bartel agreed, and so C. elegans made their triumphant return to Whitehead Institute.

“It’s great to return to C. elegans,” says Bartel, who is also a professor of biology at MIT and a HHMI investigator.  “Michael is working on sets of microRNAs that we discovered over 20 years ago. Since then, we and others have learned a lot about microRNAs, using a variety of research models. It will be fun to see what new things we will learn with C. elegans.

Michael is using C. elegans to better understand how microRNAs, which degrade messenger RNAs, are themselves degraded. In recent years, researchers discovered a surprising mechanism of microRNA degradation: in some instances, when a microRNA pairs with a messenger RNA, instead of this leading to the destruction of the messenger RNA, it leads to the destruction of the microRNA.

“The normal regulatory logic is completely flipped,” Michael says. “This was discovered in mammalian cells, and our lab and others have been working out the mechanism for how this happens.”

The Bartel lab found that a particular gene is necessary for this process. When Michael joined the lab, he wondered whether that gene’s equivalent in C. elegans serves the same role. He found that it does. However, there are differences between how this process works in C. elegans and mammals, in particular in the way that the RNAs pair to trigger destruction of the microRNA. Those differences, and what they reveal about how microRNAs are regulated, are what Michael is studying now.

“What is the underlying principle of what’s required for microRNAs to be degraded through this pathway in worms? It’s not known, and that’s what I’m trying to find out,” Michael says.

Michael hopes that what he learns from the worms will shed light on the logic for how microRNAs are regulated across animal species. This will in turn give researchers a better understanding of how cells are able to so precisely tailor their gene expression. The prospect of deciphering such a central facet of cell biology is exciting for Michael, but it’s just another day for C. elegans. Decades of results have shown that there’s no limit to what these simple worms can be used to discover.


Four from MIT receive NIH New Innovator Awards for 2022

Awards support high-risk, high-impact research from early-career investigators.

Phie Jacobs | School of Science
October 4, 2022

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded grants to four MIT faculty members as part of its High-Risk, High-Reward Research program.

The program supports unconventional approaches to challenges in biomedical, behavioral, and social sciences. Each year, NIH netbet sports bettingDirector’s Awards are granted to program applicants who propose high-risk, high-impact research in areas relevant to the NIH’s mission. In doing so, the NIH encourages innovative proposals that, due to their inherent risk, might struggle in the traditional peer-review process.

This year, Lindsay Case, Siniša Hrvatin, Deblina Sarkar, and Caroline Uhler have been chosen to receive the New Innovator Award, which funds exceptionally creative research from early-career investigators. The award, which was established in 2007, supports researchers who are within 10 years of their final degree or clinical residency and have not yet received a research project grant or equivalent NIH grant.

Lindsay Case, the Irwin and Helen Sizer Department of Biology Career Development Professor and an extramural member of the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, uses biochemistry and cell biology to study the spatial organization of signal transduction. Her work focuses on understanding how signaling molecules assemble into compartments with unique biochemical and biophysical properties to enable cells to sense and respond to information in their environment. Earlier this year, Case was one of two MIT assistant professors named as Searle Scholars.

Siniša Hrvatin, who joined the School of Science faculty this past winter, is an assistant professor in the Department of Biology and a core member at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. He studies how animals and cells enter, regulate, and survive states of dormancy such as torpor and hibernation, aiming to harness the potential of these states therapeutically.

Deblina Sarkar is an assistant professor and AT&T Career Development Chair Professor at the MIT Media Lab​. Her research combines the interdisciplinary fields of nanoelectronics, applied physics, and biology to invent disruptive technologies for energy-efficient nanoelectronics and merge such next-generation technologies with living matter to create a new paradigm for life-machine symbiosis. Her high-risk, high-reward proposal received the rare perfect impact score of 10, which is the highest score awarded by NIH.

Caroline Uhler is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society. In addition, she is a core institute member at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where she co-directs the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center. By combining machine learning, statistics, and genomics, she develops representation learning and causal inference methods to elucidate gene regulation in health and disease.

The High-Risk, High-Reward Research program is supported by the NIH Common Fund, which oversees programs that pursue major opportunities and gaps in biomedical research that require collaboration across NIH Institutes and Centers. In addition to the New Innovator Award, the NIH also issues three other awards each year: the Pioneer Award, which supports bold and innovative research projects with unusually broad scientific impact; the Transformative Research Award, which supports risky and untested projects with transformative potential; and the Early Independence Award, which allows especially impressive junior scientists to skip the traditional postdoctoral training program to launch independent research careers.

This year, the High-Risk, High-Reward Research program is awarding 103 awards, including eight Pioneer Awards, 72 New Innovator Awards, nine Transformative Research Awards, and 14 Early Independence Awards. These 103 awards total approximately $285 million in support from the institutes, centers, and offices across NIH over five years. “The science advanced by these researchers is poised to blaze new paths of discovery in human health,” says Lawrence A. Tabak DDS, PhD, who is performing the duties of the director of NIH. “This unique cohort of scientists will transform what is known in the biological and behavioral world. We are privileged to support this innovative science.”

New players in an essential pathway to destroy microRNAs

In a study from the lab of Whitehead Institute Member David Bartel, researchers have identified genetic sequences that can lead to the degradation of cellular regulators called microRNAs in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.

Eva Frederick | Whitehead Institute
September 26, 2022

In a study from the lab of Whitehead Institute Member David Bartel, researchers have identified genetic sequences that can lead to the degradation of cellular regulators called microRNAs in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. The findings were published September 22 in Molecular Cell.

“This is an exciting study that paves the way for a deeper understanding of the microRNA degradation pathway,” says Bartel, who is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. “Finding these ‘trigger’ sequences will allow us to more precisely probe the workings of this pathway in the lab, which is likely critical for flies — and possibly other species — to survive to adulthood.”

In order to produce new proteins, cells transcribe their DNA into messenger RNAs (or mRNAs), which provide information required to make the proteins . When a given mRNA has served its purpose, it’s degraded. The process of degradation is often led by tiny RNA sequences called microRNAs.

In previous work, researchers showed that certain mRNA or non coding RNA transcripts, rather than being degraded by microRNAs, can instead turn the tables on the microRNAs and lead to their destruction through a pathway called target-directed microRNA degradation, or TDMD. “This pathway leads to rapid turnover of certain microRNAs within the cell,” says former Bartel Lab graduate student Elena Kingston.

Kingston wanted to further understand the functions of the TDMD pathway in cells. “I wanted to get at the ‘why,’” she said. “Why are microRNAs regulated in this way, and why does it matter in an organism?”

Previous work on the TDMD pathway was primarily conducted in cultured cells. For the new study, the researchers decided to use the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.  A fly model could provide more insight into how the pathway worked in a live organism — including whether or not it had an effect on the organism’s fitness or was essential for survival.

The researchers created a model to study TDMD by using flies with mutations in an essential TDMD pathway gene called Dora (the equivalent human gene is called ZSWIM8, as detailed in this paper). Very few flies with mutations in Dora were seen to make it to adulthood. Most died early in development, suggesting the TDMD pathway was likely important for their embryonic viability.

Putting a finger on the triggers of the TDMD pathway

While microRNAs don’t need many complementary base pairs to bind and regulate their mRNA targets, the opposite is true in the TDMD pathway. In order to work properly, the TDMD pathway needs a highly specific trigger, which can either be a mRNA that codes for proteins, or a non-coding RNA. “What’s unique about a trigger is it has a site that the microRNA can bind to that has a lot of complementarity to the microRNA,” Kingston said.

During the isolation of the early Covid-19 pandemic, Kingston set out to write a program that could pick out probable triggers of microRNA degradation in Drosophila based on their sequencesThe program returned thousands of hits, and the researchers set to work narrowing down which sites were the best candidates to test in flies.

“As soon as we were able to get back into lab [after the lockdown], I took our top 10 or so candidates and tried perturbing them in flies,” she said. “Fortunately for me, about half of them ended up working out.”

These six new triggers more than double the list of known RNA sequences that can direct degradation of microRNAs. To take this finding a step further, the researchers conducted an analysis of what happened to the flies when a trigger was disrupted.

The researchers found that one of the triggers — a long non-coding RNA — plays a role in proper development of the cuticle, or the waterproof outer shell of a fly embryo. “We noticed that when we perturbed this trigger, the cuticles of fly embryos had altered elasticity,” Kingston said. “When we popped the embryos out of their egg shells, we could see these cuticles expand up and bloat.”

Because of the bloated phenotype, Kingston decided to name the long non-coding RNA marge after Aunt Marge, a character in the Harry Potter series. In “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, Aunt Marge’s taunts lead Harry to accidentally perform magic on her, causing her to inflate and float away.

In the future, Kingston, who has since graduated and begun a career in the biotech industry, hopes researchers will pick up the torch on learning the roles of other TDMD triggers. “We still have several other triggers [from this paper] where there’s no known biological role for them in the fly,” she said. “I think this opens up the field for others to go in and to ask the questions, ‘Where are these triggers acting? What are they doing? And what’s the phenotype when you lose them?’”


Elena Kingston, Lianne Blodgett and David Bartel. “Endogenous transcripts direct microRNA degradation in Drosophila, and this targeted degradation is required for proper embryonic development.” Molecular Cell, September 22, 2022. DOI:

Providing new pathways for neuroscience research and education

Payton Dupuis finds new scientific interests and career opportunities through MIT summer research program in biology.

Leah Campbell | School of Science
September 29, 2022

Payton Dupuis’s interest in biology research began where it does for many future scientists — witnessing a relative struggling with an incurable medical condition. For Dupuis, that family member was her uncle, who suffered from complications from diabetes. Dupuis, a senior at Montana State University, says that diabetes is prominent on the Flathead Reservation in Montana, where she grew up, and witnessing the impacts of the disease inspired her to pursue a career in scientific research. Since then, that passion has taken Dupuis around the country to participate in various summer research programs in the biomedical sciences.

Most recently, she was a participant in the Bernard S. and Sophie G. Gould MIT Summer Research Program in Biology (BSG-MSRP-Bio). The program, offered by the departments of Biology and Brain and Cognitive Sciences, is designed to encourage students from underrepresented groups to attend graduate school and pursue careers in science research. More than 85 percent of participants have subsequently enrolled in highly ranked graduate programs, many of them returning to MIT, just as Dupuis is considering.

Her journey from witnessing the impacts of her uncle’s diabetes to considering graduate school at MIT was made possible only by Dupuis’s love of science and her ability to “find a positive,” as she says, in every experience.

As a high-schooler, Dupuis made her first trip to the Northeast, participating in the Summer Academy of Math and Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. For Dupuis, who hadn’t even taken calculus yet, the experience was a welcome challenge. “That definitely made me work hard,” she laughs, comparing herself to other program participants. “But I proved to myself, not for anyone else, that I belonged in that program.”

In addition to being a confidence booster, the Carnegie Mellon program also gave Dupuis her first taste of scientific research working in a biomedical lab on tissue regeneration. She was excited about the possibilities of growing new organs — such as the insulin-producing pancreas that could help regulate her uncle’s diabetes — outside of the body. Dupuis was officially hooked on biology.

Her experience that summer encouraged Dupuis to major in chemical engineering, seeing it as a good pipeline into biomedical research. Unfortunately, the chemical engineering curriculum at Montana State wasn’t what she expected, focusing less on the human body and more on the oil industry. In that context, her ability to see a silver lining served Dupuis well.

“That wasn’t really what I wanted, but it was still interesting because there were ways that I could apply it to the body,” she explains. “Like fluid mechanics — instead of water flowing through a pipe, I was thinking about blood flowing through veins.”

Dupuis adds that the chemical engineering program also gave her problem-solving skills that have been valuable as she’s undertaken biology-focused summer programs to help refine netbet sports betting appher interests. One summer, she worked in the chemistry department at Montana State, getting hands-on experience in a wet lab. “I didn’t really know any of the chemistry behind what I was doing,” she admits, “but I fell in love with it.” Another summer, she participated in the Tufts Building Diversity in Biomedical Sciences program, exploring the genetic side of research through a project on bone development in mice.

In 2020, a mentor at the local tribal college connected Dupuis with Keith Henry, an associate professor of biomedical sciences at the University of North Dakota. With Henry, Dupuis looked for new binding sites for the neurotransmitter serotonin that could help minimize the side effects that come with long-term use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the most common class of antidepressants. That summer was Dupuis’s first exposure to brain research, and her first experience modeling biological processes with computers. She loved it. In fact, as soon as she returned to Montana State, Dupuis enrolled as a computer science minor.

Because of the minor, Dupuis needs an extra year to graduate, which left her one more summer for a research program. Her older sister had previously participated in the general MSRP program at MIT, so it was a no-brainer for Dupuis to apply for the biology-specific program.

This summer, Dupuis was placed in the lab of Troy Littleton, the Menicon Professor in Neuroscience at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory. “I definitely fell in love with the lab,” she says. With Littleton, Dupuis completed a project looking at complexin, a protein that can both inhibit and facilitate the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin. It’s also essential for the fusion of synaptic vesicles, the parts of neurons that store and release neurotransmitters.

A number of human neurological diseases have been linked to a deficiency in complexin, although Dupuis says that scientists are still figuring out what the protein does and how it works.

To that end, Dupuis focused this summer on fruit flies, which have two different types of complexin — humans, in comparison, have four. Using gene editing, she designed an experiment comparing fruit flies possessing various amounts of different subtypes of the protein. There was the positive control group, which was untouched; the negative control group that had no complexin; and two experimental groups, each with one of the subtypes removed. Using fluorescent staining, Dupuis compared how neurons lit up in each group of flies, illuminating how altering the amount of complexin changed how the flies released neurotransmitters and formed new synaptic connections.

After touching on so many different areas of biological research through summer programs, Dupuis says that researching neuronal activity in fruit flies this summer was the perfect fit intellectually, and a formative experience as a researcher.

“I’ve definitely learned how to take an experiment and make it my own and figure out what works best for me, but still produces the results we need,” she says.

As for what’s next, Dupuis says her experience at MIT has sold her on pursuing graduate work in brain sciences. “Boston is really where I want to be and eventually work, with all the biotech and biopharma companies around,” she says. One of the perks of the MSRP-Bio program is professional development opportunities. Though Dupuis had always been interested in industry, she says she appreciated attending career panels this summer that demystified what that career path really looks like and what it takes to get there.

Perhaps the most important aspect of the program for Dupuis, though, was the confidence it provided as she continues to navigate the world of biomedical research. She intends to take that back with her to Montana State to encourage classmates to seek out similar summer opportunities.

“There’s so many people that I know would be a great researcher and love science, but they just don’t either know about it or think they can get it,” she says. “All I’d say is, you just got to apply. You just have to put yourself out there.”

MIT biologist Richard Hynes wins Lasker Award

Hynes and two other scientists will share the prize for their discoveries of proteins critical for cellular adhesion.

Anne Trafton | MIT News Office
September 28, 2022

MIT Professor Richard Hynes, a pioneer in studying cellular adhesion, has been named a recipient of the 2022 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award.

Hynes, the Daniel K. Ludwig Professor for Cancer Research and a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, was honored for the discovery of integrins, proteins that are key to cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in the body. He will share the prize with Erkki Ruoslahti of Sanford Burnham Prebys and Timothy Springer of Harvard University.

“I’m delighted, and it’s a pleasure to be sharing it with them,” Hynes says. “It’s great for the field, and for the trainees who did much of the work.”

Hynes’ research focuses on proteins that allow cells to adhere to each other and to the extracellular matrix — a mesh-like network that provides structural support for cells. These proteins include integrins, a type of cell surface receptor, and fibronectins, a family of extracellular adhesive proteins. Integrins are the major adhesion receptors connecting the extracellular matrix to the intracellular cytoskeleton.

During embryonic development, cell adhesion is critical for cells to move to the correct locations in the embryo. Hynes’ work has also revealed that dysregulation of cell-to-matrix contact plays an important role in cancer cells’ ability to detach from a tumor and spread to other parts of the body, in a process known as metastasis.

“Professor Hynes’ contributions to the field of cancer biology, and more broadly, cellular biology, are numerous,” says Nergis Mavalvala, the Curtis and Kathleen Marble Professor of Astrophysics and the dean of the School of Science. “His investigations of fundamental biological questions — How do cells interact? How do they stick together? — changed how scientists approach cancer research and opened up avenues in developing potential therapeutics to disrupt metastatic disease.”

Born in Kenya, Hynes grew up in Liverpool, in the United Kingdom. Both of his parents were scientists: His father was a freshwater ecologist, and his mother a physics teacher. Hynes and all three of his siblings followed their parents into scientific fields.

“We talked science at home, and if we asked questions, we got questions back, not answers. So that conditioned me into being a scientist, for sure,” Hynes says.

After earning his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in biochemistry at Cambridge University, Hynes decided to head to the United States to continue graduate school. Colleagues at Cambridge suggested MIT, so he came to the Institute and earned his PhD in 1971. After doing a postdoc at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories in London, he returned to MIT in 1975 as a faculty member in the Department of Biology and a founding member of MIT’s Center for Cancer Research (the predecessor of today’s Koch Institute).

Hynes began his career as a developmental biologist, studying how cells move to the correct locations during embryonic development. As a postdoc, he began studying the differences in the surface landscapes of healthy cells and tumor cells. This led to the discovery of a protein called fibronectin, which is often lost when cells become cancerous.

He and others found that fibronectin is part of the extracellular matrix, the network of proteins and other molecules that support cells and tissues in the body. When fibronectin is lost, cancer cells can more easily free themselves from their original location and metastasize to other sites in the body. Cells bind to the matrix through cell surface receptors known as integrins. In humans, 24 integrin proteins have been identified. These proteins help give tissues their structure, enable blood to clot, and are essential for embryonic development.

“These cell-matrix adhesion proteins hold us all together,” Hynes says. “If we didn’t have them, we’d be a pool of cells on the floor. And they’re contributors to lots of diseases: fibrosis, cancer, thrombosis, immune and autoimmune diseases. So, cell adhesion has become a huge field at both the basic science level and the therapeutic level.”

Since joining the MIT faculty, Hynes has also served as head and associate head of the Department of Biology, and as director of the Center for Cancer Research. He has also served as scientific governor of the Wellcome Trust in the United Kingdom, and as co-chair of National Academy committees establishing guidelines for stem cell and genome editing research.

His many awards include the Gairdner Foundation International Award, the Distinguished Investigator Award from the International Society for Matrix Biology, the Robert and Claire Pasarow Medical Research Award, the E.B. Wilson Medal from the American Society for Cell Biology and the Paget-Ewing Award, Metastasis Research Society. Hynes is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Medicine, the Royal Society of London, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

The Lasker Award comes with a $250,000 prize, which will be shared between the three recipients.

Through mentorship, a deeper understanding of brain cancer metabolism grows

As an MSRP-Bio student in the Vander Heiden lab, Alejandra Rosario helped to reveal how cancer cells maintain access to materials they need to grow.

Grace van Deelen | Department of Biology
September 22, 2022

Alejandra Rosario’s enthusiasm for research is infectious. When she talks about studying cancer cells, or the possibility of getting a PhD, her face lights up. “It’s something I’m really passionate about,” she says.

As a Bernard S. and Sophie G. Gould MIT Summer Research Program in Biology (BSG-MSRP-Bio) student this past summer in the lab of Matt Vander Heiden, MIT’s Lester Wolfe (1919) Professor of Molecular Biology, Rosario worked to understand cancer metabolism. MSRP-Bio is a 10-week, research-intensive summer program intended to introduce non-MIT undergraduates to a research career. Rosario, who is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey this fall, was one of two MSRP-Bio students this year who were the first from their campus to attend the program. “It’s a really great opportunity for us,” she says.

Rosario had always been interested in research and understanding natural systems. As a child growing up in San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico, she was surrounded by nature, and got involved at a young age in environmental activism. She also has a special passion for the beach, which contributed to her eventual interest in science and, more specifically, in biology.

Medical connections

When her mother developed thyroid cancer, she focused on cancer research. To support her mother, Rosario tried to learn as much as possible about the type of cancer she was fighting, as well as the treatments available. She noticed the impact of basic cancer research on the therapies her mother was receiving.

As a result of her experience watching her mother battle cancer, too, Rosario has a special interest in translational medicine: working to determine how fundamental discoveries can have specific relevance to human disease treatment. “In cancer research,” she says, “small strides can be huge strides.”

Delving into a career in cancer research became a focus for Rosario, who sought out opportunities to advance her connections to the field. During a virtual conference held by the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, Rosario met MIT Department of Biology lecturer and science outreach director Mandana Sassanfar, who invited Rosario to visit MIT for a January workshop on computational skills. During the workshop, she met MIT professors, explored possible research ideas, and decided to apply to the MSRP-Bio program.

Rosario, who would like eventually to pursue a PhD or MD/PhD, was especially drawn to the Vander Heiden lab because of its focus on connecting research to medical applications. “I’m really fascinated about that connection, and how that works,” she says.

She especially liked the diversity of research happening in the lab, where projects range from cancer metabolism to genetics to stem cell research. “They’re all exploring different questions,” she says. “But at the end of the day, they all have conversations with each other and help each other out in a collaborative way.”

New insights into brain cancer

This summer, Rosario contributed to that diversity of research by continuing some of the core experiments of the Vander Heiden lab with a new cell line: glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer with a poor prognosis. The lab had never worked with this type of cancer before, so Rosario worked to understand its metabolism and process of cell division.

The main characteristic of cancer cells is that they divide very quickly. In order to do so, they need a lot of new material, like proteins, lipids, and nucleotides. A cancer cell has two options to obtain this new material: it can take it from the environment, or it can produce that new material itself. Glioblastoma occurs in the brain, a microenvironment that provides very little access to the materials necessary for cell division. In order to divide, then, glioblastoma cells must reprogram themselves in order to produce the materials necessary for growth.

Rosario’s research this summer sought to determine how glioblastoma cells survive in the environment of the brain by limiting the cells’ access to certain substances, like certain proteins or amino acids, and then measuring how the cells react. Understanding the cell’s reactions to such changes in the microenvironment could eventually inform cancer therapies.

“Our goal is to understand metabolically how these brain cancer cells are surviving everything we throw at them in order to possibly find a more specific target for treatment,” she says. Rosario presented her research in August in the MSRP-Bio poster session.

Shaped by mentorship

Overall, Rosario really enjoyed her experience as a summer researcher. The collaborative and open atmosphere in the lab, says Rosario, has helped her grow. For example, the lab holds occasional meetings called “Idea Club,” where researchers in the lab bring a question they’re struggling with or an idea they’re excited about, and other lab members give their input. “There’s a lot of scientific independence and curiosity,” says Rosario.

Rosario has especially enjoyed getting to know the graduate students in the lab, like Ryan Elbashir, a rising third-year doctoral student. Elbashir was also an MSRP-Bio student in 2018 and was one of the reasons Rosario chose the Vander Heiden lab. After a discussion with Elbashir about the importance of diversity in research, they formed a connection. “Alejandra is very inquisitive and comfortable around other people in the lab,” says Elbashir.

Rosario’s formal mentor, fourth-year MD/PhD student Sarah Chang, has also supported Rosario’s research goals by helping Rosario design research protocols and understand lab jargon. “Sarah’s been nothing but amazing,” says Rosario. “She’s teaching me how to think like a scientist.”

Rosario plans to build on the research she completed this summer in an MD/PhD program. She’d love to return to MIT or the Vander Heiden lab to carry out her future research and would like to continue to find ways to contribute to the development of cancer therapies. She’s very committed to studying cancer biology and wants to continue exploring the different sub-fields of cancer research during her senior year.

She plans to be a mentor to other young scientists, as well, and “pay it forward” to a new generation of underrepresented researchers. Mentoring, she says, creates a “chain reaction” of scientists supporting other scientists, which leads to better advances in research.

“By doing research and pursuing a question to the best of my abilities, I can impact as many people as possible,” she says.

Yami Acevedo ­Sánchez’s “go for it” attitude leads to MIT
Pamela Ferdinand
September 21, 2022

MIT PHD STUDENT YAMI ACEVEDO-SÁNCHEZ DISCOVERED SHE ENJOYED SCIENCE by watching television at home in Puerto Rico. While a strong student, encouraged by her mentors and parents to do well, she never imagined a science career would be in her future.

Acevedo-Sánchez is the second member of her extended family—her mother has 17 brothers and sisters; her father has 11—to earn a college degree. She didn’t learn about MIT until she began studying at the University of Puerto Rico, and attending the Institute felt like a very big step.

“I remember my thoughts were, ‘I’m never going to make it there.’ It felt really, really out of reach,” she says. “But I don’t say ‘no’ to myself. I just go for it.”

Today at MIT, Acevedo-Sánchez is pursuing her passion for biology, working to understand the basic processes that make all the complexity of life possible. “To me, it seems like a puzzle waiting for someone to assemble the pieces,” she says.

Her research focuses on a fundamental question: How do bacterial pathogens hijack a host? By studying how they travel between cells and spur infection, she hopes to discover more about the diseases they cause and potential therapies.

In particular, she is focused on Listeria monocytogenes, a widespread bacterium that can cause food poisoning. In high-risk populations, such as pregnant women or immunocompromised individuals, it can spread to the liver and then move through the bloodstream into the rest of the body. Listeria infection (listeriosis) has a high mortality rate, killing an estimated 20% to 30% of those infected, according to the US Food and Drug Administration.

Listeria hijacks molecular pathways as it spreads from cell to cell. It typically forces itself into neighboring cells by ramming into cell junctions (spots where cells connect). The force and speed Listeria uses to do this is about 0.2–1 microns per second—the equivalent of 50 feet per second if Listeria were the size of a submarine, Acevedo-Sánchez says: “It’s very impressive to watch!”

What is the mechanism of this action? Is it random, or programmed and regulated by the bacteria or our cells? Working with assistant professor of biology Rebecca Lamason and others in Lamason’s lab, Acevedo-Sánchez hopes to answer such questions through groundbreaking work that visualizes the cell membrane dynamics as Listeria spreads from cell to cell. To do this, the team uses a cellular line with a membrane marker (developed by Lamason) and a confocal microscope, which can capture high-resolution images deep inside cells.

Acevedo-Sánchez is especially interested in exploring how the mechanisms of two proteins, CAV1 and PACSIN2, promote cell-to-cell spread over long distances in a short amount of time. “These pathogens are constantly interacting with their host,” she says. “By understanding the key players that mediate those interactions from the bacteria side as well as the cell side, we can understand more about the microbiology of the bacteria and our own cell biology.”

Mentoring others

Outside the lab, Acevedo-Sánchez is working to support others like her who have not always believed they could pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. “There is tremendous power in having someone believe in your ability,” she says.

She has served as a mentor for the MIT Summer Research Program in Biology and supported first-year biology graduate students through the BioPals Program. Acevedo- Sánchez has also presented her work to middle school students around the world through the video series MIT Abstracts.

“Anyone can be a scientist, regardless of their background,” says Acevedo-Sánchez, who also has served as a graduate diversity ambassador at MIT. “You just need three things: be curious about the world that surrounds you, be willing to ask questions, and do the work yourself. Work smart and hard.”

Pamela Ferdinand is a 2003–2004 MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellow