Researchers discover new source of drug resistance in pancreatic cancer
Lucy Jackub
October 17, 2019

The best available treatments for pancreatic cancer are highly toxic, and, as chemotherapies go, not very effective. The drug gemcitabine has been used for decades to extend the life of patients, but very high doses are required to combat the tumor, which grows in the pancreas surrounded by stiff, fibrous, noncancerous tissue called stroma. This hallmark of pancreatic cancer makes it unusually difficult to treat: the more stromal tissue accumulates, the less the drug works, while patients still endure brutal side effects. Only 8.5 percent of pancreatic cancer patients survive five years beyond their diagnosis, so there’s an urgent need to figure out why existing treatments are failing.

Scientists have known for a long time that gemcitabine fights cancer by killing cells during replication, though why it works for pancreatic cancer in particular is a bit of a mystery. The drug is a small molecule that masquerades as the nucleoside deoxycytidine, one unit in the nucleic acids that make up DNA. Once gemcitabine is integrated into a replicating strand of DNA, additional nucleosides can’t be joined to it. The new DNA strand can’t be completed, and the cell dies. Now, researchers from MIT have discovered that non-cancer cells in the pancreatic stromal tissue secrete astonishing quantities of deoxycytidine. They found that competition with deoxycytidine makes its imposter, gemcitabine, less effective, explaining why higher doses of the drug are needed as more stromal tissue grows around the tumor.

“That was an answer we were looking for — what is making pancreatic tumors resistant to gemcitabine?” says Michael Hemann, associate professor of biology, a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, and co-senior author of the study. “Understanding the basic mechanisms of these drugs allows us to return to the clinic with improved strategies to treat patients with cancer.”

Douglas Lauffenburger, a professor of biological engineering, is also a co-senior author of the study, which represents a collaboration between the Hemann lab, the Lauffenburger lab, and the Vander Heiden lab, and appeared online in Cancer Research on September 4. Hemann lab graduate student Simona Dalin is the lead author.

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For years, researchers at MIT have been investigating different sources of chemotherapy resistance in stromal tissue. When Dalin took up the study two years ago, she was building on the findings of a former postdoc in the Hemann lab, Emanuel Kreidl. Kreidl had found that stellate cells, one type of cell in the pancreatic stromal tissue surrounding the tumor, were releasing something into the microenvironment of the pancreas that disrupted the function of gemcitabine.

Cells secrete all sorts of things — micro RNAs, fatty acids, proteins — that may be taken up and used by neighboring cells. Biologists call these ambient materials around the cell its “media.”  Kreidl had tried boiling, digesting, and filtering the stellate cell media, but nothing he did made gemcitabine any more effective against the cancer cells. The usual suspects commonly implicated in drug resistance caused by neighboring cells, like proteins, would break down under such tests. “That’s when we knew there was something new here,” says Dalin. Her challenge was to figure out what that mystery ingredient was.

Mark Sullivan PhD ‘19, then a graduate student and biochemist in Vander Heiden lab, was enlisted to help separate the stellate cell media into its molecular components and identify them. After doing so, Dalin says, “it was fairly obvious that deoxycytidine was the thing that we were looking for.” Because gemcitabine works by taking deoxycytidine’s place in DNA replication, it made sense that the presence of a lot of deoxycytidine could make it difficult for gemcitabine to fulfill its function.

Molecules pass in and out of cells through gates in the cell membrane, called transporters. Using a drug that blocks certain transporters, Dalin was able to shut the gate in the stellate cells through which deoxycytidine is released. With less deoxycytidine around, the gemcitabine was effective at lower doses, confirming her hypothesis. Now, the researchers just needed to figure out how and where deoxycytidine was getting in the way of the drug.

Once inside the cell, a nucleoside must have one or more phosphate groups added to it by several enzymes in order to become a nucleotide that can be used to build DNA. Gemcitabine goes through the same process. The researchers determined that gemcitabine was competing with deoxycytidine for the first of those enzymes, deoxycytidine kinase. When they flooded the cell with that enzyme, gemcitabine didn’t have to wait in line for its phosphate groups — and could get into the DNA to work its fatal subterfuge.

Upending Assumptions

Going forward, the Hemann lab aims to identify drugs that could inhibit the production of deoxycytidine and restore the tumor’s sensitivity to gemcitabine. Senthil Muthuswamy, an associate professor of medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center who was not involved in the research, says this study provides “new and important insights” into how and why tumors develop resistance to gemcitabine. The findings, he adds, are “likely to have important implications for developing ways to overcome gemcitabine resistance in pancreatic cancer.”

The study’s findings may shed light on other cancer treatments that work similarly to gemcitabine. For every nucleoside, there are look-alike molecules, or analogs, that are used in cancer therapies. For example, the purine analog fludarabine is used to treat acute myeloid leukemia, another tenacious carcinoma. These generic drugs have been adopted through trial and error in the clinic, but scientists don’t fully understand why they are effective at the molecular level.

In theory, nucleoside analog drugs should work interchangeably; every nucleoside is necessary in either the replication of DNA or RNA. In practice, though, these drugs are only effective for certain cancers. The MIT researchers speculate that the sheer amount of deoxycytidine being produced in the pancreas could suggest that pancreatic cells have a particular need for deoxycytidine that also makes them more responsive to its analogs — perhaps explaining why gemcitabine targets pancreatic cancer cells effectively.

NetBet live casino“Understanding more about nucleoside biology, and more about which organs have high levels of which nucleosides, might help us understand when to use which chemotherapies,” Dalin says.

This study leaves the researchers with many questions about how and why nucleosides are produced in the body, a realm of basic biology that is still poorly understood. It’s generally assumed that cells only make nucleosides for their own internal use in DNA replication. But pancreatic stellate cells produce a lot of deoxycytidine, far more than they need for themselves, suggesting the excess nucleosides may serve some unknown purpose in neighboring cells. Although more experiments are needed to determine this mysterious purpose, the MIT researchers have some ideas.

“These extra nucleosides introduce a possibility that perhaps making deoxycytidine is a normal function of stellate cells in the pancreas, in order to provide building blocks for the cells around them,” says Hemann. “And that’s a real surprise.”

This work was funded in part by a David H. Koch Fellowship and the MIT Center for Precision Cancer Medicine.

Image: Deoxycytidine and gemcitabine, its look-alike molecule, enter a cancer cell through the same gate in the cell membrane and are altered by the same enzyme (dCK) before they are integrated into DNA. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers.

“Deoxycytidine Release from Pancreatic Stellate Cells Promotes Gemcitabine Resistance.”
Cancer Research, online Sept. 4, 2019, DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-19-0960.
Dalin, S., Sullivan, M.R., Lau, A.N., Grauman-Boss, B., Mueller, H.S., Kreidl, E., Fenoglio, S., Luengo, A., Lees, J.A., Vander Heiden, M.G. and Lauffenburger, D.A.

“Biogenesis” podcast highlights MIT students behind cutting-edge biology research

The MIT Department of Biology and Whitehead Institute are producing a podcast featuring young scientists and why they chose to study biology.

Department of Biology | Whitehead Institute
October 16, 2019

The MIT Department of Biology and Whitehead Institute have launched “BioGenesis,” a new podcast highlighting affiliated graduate students and their stories about where they came from, and how their experiences have shaped their research.

In each episode, co-hosts Raleigh McElvery, communications coordinator at the Department of Biology, and Conor Gearin, digital and social media specialist at Whitehead Institute, introduce a different student and — as the title of the podcast suggests — explore the guest’s origin story.

This first season centers on the theme of surprises. The inaugural episode features Kwadwo Owusu-Boaitey, a soccer player-turned MD/PhD student studying tissue regeneration in planarians, a type of flatworm. Owusu-Boaitey was struggling to find an effective means to map the stem cells in these remarkable animals when he happened upon a new tool that would allow him to do just that, and probe how the flatworm can regrow its entire body.

The second episode features Alicia Zamudio, who grew up in Mexico City, Mexico, intent on attending college in the United States and studying human behavior. Although she initially intended to pursue writing or psychology, one class persuaded her to consider molecular biology instead — with a focus on how cells control the expression of genes that dictate the identity of every cell in our bodies.

The third episode features Summer Morrill, who was determined to use her background in biology to become a genetic counselor before arriving at MIT and becoming captivated by fundamental cellular biology. Now, she investigates cancer and other diseases from a molecular perspective, asking what happens when chromosomes mis-segregate and cells end up with an improper number of genes.

BioGenesis is part of a larger effort to share the personal stories behind scientific discoveries, clarifying the experimental process and demonstrating the importance of fundamental biology research in the MIT community and beyond. From studying tissue regeneration in worms to probing the molecular basis for disease, fundamental research has ramifications far beyond the lab bench.

“The enthusiasm for basic biology that these graduate students have, and their excitement for sharing their science with the world, really impressed us,” Gearin says.

“Hearing them revisit the moments and people that initially inspired them to pursue research underscored the importance of good mentorship — and the many ways that fundamental biological discoveries can impact society,” McElvery adds.

BioGenesis is available on iTunes, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Google Play, as well as the podcast pages for the MIT Department of Biology and Whitehead Institute.

Ankur Jain named 2019 Packard Fellow
Packard Foundation
October 15, 2019

October 15, 2019 (Los Altos, CA) – Today, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation announced the 2019 class of Packard Fellows for Science and Engineering. This year’s class features 22 early-career scientists and engineers, who will each receive $875,000 over five years to pursue their research.

The Packard Fellowships in Science and Engineering are among the nation’s largest nongovernmental fellowships, designed to allow maximum flexibility in how the funding is used. Since 1988, this program has supported the blue-sky thinking of scientists and engineers with the belief that their research over time will lead to new discoveries that improve people’s lives and enhance our understanding of the universe.

Fellows have gone on to receive a range of accolades, including Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Physics, the Fields Medal, the Alan T. Waterman Award, MacArthur Fellowships, and elections to the National Academies. The Fellows also gather at annual meetings to discuss their research, where conversations have led to unexpected collaborations across disciplines.

“This new class of Fellows is about to embark on a journey to pursue their curiosity down unknown paths in ways that could lead to big discoveries,” said Frances Arnold, Chair of the Packard Fellowships Advisory Panel, 2018 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, and 1989 Packard Fellow. “I can’t wait to see what direction the work of these brilliant scientists and engineers will take. Their efforts will add to this beautiful web of science that connects us all to a better understanding of the world around us.”

Through the interactive online experience Pursuing the Unknown, the inspiring work, ideas, and careers of over 30 years of Fellows comes to life, including 2014 Fellow Trisha Andrew’s work developing smart clothing, 2016 Fellow Meg Crofoot’s use of GPS technology to track how primates socialize in groups, and the efforts of 2014 Fellows Vedran Lekic and Brice Ménard, who met as Packard Fellows and are collaborating to improve our understanding of earthquakes.

The Fellowships program was inspired by David Packard’s commitment to strengthen university-based science and engineering programs in the United States. He recognized that the success of the Hewlett-Packard Company, which he cofounded, was derived in large measure from research and development in university laboratories. Since 1988, the Foundation has awarded $429 million to support 617 scientists and engineers from 54 national universities. This year’s Fellowships are also supported in part by the Ross M. Brown Family Foundation.

The recipients of the 2019 Packard Fellowships in Science and Engineering are:

Ludmil Alexandrov
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of California, San Diego
Discipline: Biological Sciences

The Alexandrov Lab is focused on mapping and understanding the mutagenic processes that cause cancer. By developing novel computational approaches and applying them to large datasets from cancer patients, our lab aims to provide a detailed roadmap for preventing human cancer.

Jacob Allgeier
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan
Discipline: Ecology, Evolutionary Biology

Rebuilding marine fisheries requires solutions that sustainably increase the productivity of ecosystems. The Allgeier Lab uses artificial reefs, modeling, and community-based conservation programs to understand how an unlikely but renewable source of fertilizer, fish excretion, can be used to stimulate fish production and improve food security in tropical coastal ecosystems.

Peter Behroozi
Department of Astronomy, University of Arizona
Discipline: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology

NetBet sportBehroozi’s lab will generate a complete, transformative picture of how supermassive black holes (like those imaged by the Event Horizon Telescope) form in galaxies. This will resolve key questions about black holes’ radiative efficiencies and spins, as well as constrain the rates of black hole mergers and detectable gravitational waves.

Yi-Wei Chang
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania
Discipline: Biological Sciences

In biology, function arises from structure. The Chang lab uses cutting-edge electron and optical imaging methods combining with innovative analytical tools to look into cells in unprecedented details, aiming to decipher the principle and mechanism of cellular processes through direct molecular structural investigations.

Lauren Ilsedore Cleeves
Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia
Discipline: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology

Planet formation is complex, both physically and chemically. Cleeves studies the dusty disks around young stars where planet formation happens. Using both computer models and observations, her group aims to figure out how the properties of disks lead to robust planet formation, especially with respect to potentially habitable planets.

Courtney Dressing
Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley
Discipline: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology

Currently, the Earth is the only planet known to harbor life. The Dressing group is advancing the search for life on planets orbiting nearby stars by using a variety of ground-based and space-based telescopes to discover new planets, determine their characteristics, and assess their suitability for life.

Ankur Jain
Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Discipline: Biological Sciences

A single human cell contains several billion macromolecular building blocks. We investigate the design principles that cells use to organize their contents, and how defects in the cellular organization can contribute to human disease.

Shimon Kolkowitz
Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Discipline: Physics

Optical atomic clocks are the most precise devices ever constructed by humankind. The Kolkowitz group is researching ways to harness this precision to shed light on some of the big open questions in physics, such as the nature of dark matter, and the connections between quantum mechanics and gravity.

Bronwen Konecky
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University
Discipline: Geosciences

The relationship between tropical rainfall and global climate depends on complex interactions between the oceans, atmosphere, and land surfaces. The Konecky group integrates field, lab, and climate model experiments in order to disentangle these hydroclimatic processes on scales from molecular to global, from the geologic past to today.

Wesley Legant
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Discipline: Engineering – Chemical or Biological

Microscopy has enabled fields ranging from chemistry and materials science to biology. Work in the Legant Lab spans the development of cutting-edge fluorescent microscopes, machine learning algorithms for intelligent instrument control and image analysis, and applications to fundamental biological phenomena including cell division, cell migration, and cell differentiation.

Jingchun Li
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder
Discipline: Ecology, Evolutionary Biology

The natural world is not always red in tooth and claw – species collaborate. The Li lab studies how animals and algae closely work together to efficiently convert solar power to organic nutrients. She explores the genetic and biochemical mechanisms behind this collaboration and applications to agriculture.

Aleksandr Logunov
Department of Mathematics, Princeton University
Discipline: Mathematics

In the 19th century Napoleon set a prize for the best mathematical explanation of Chladni’s resonance experiments. Nodal geometry studies the zeroes of solutions of elliptic differential equations such as the visible curves that appear in these physical experiments. Logunov’s research focuses on problems in nodal geometry, harmonic analysis, partial differential equations and geometrical analysis.

Kyle Loh
Department of Developmental Biology and Institute for Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, Stanford University
Discipline: Biological Sciences

An enduring mystery is how all the amazingly different types of cells within the human body emerge from a single cell. By understanding the biological principles underlying how cells become different, Loh’s laboratory seeks to artificially build various types of human cells in a Petri dish from pluripotent stem cells.

Kirstin Petersen
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University
Discipline: Engineering – Electrical or Computer

Petersen’s research involves design and coordination of large robot collectives able to achieve complex behaviors beyond the reach of single robot systems, and corresponding studies on how social insects do so in nature. The goal is to achieve robust autonomous systems for applications in construction, agriculture, exploration, and more.

Jose Rodriguez
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles
Discipline: Chemistry

Molecules can’t be seen with the naked eye. Instead, we rely on their interaction with quanta to interrogate their structures. The development of new technologies and methods makes that possible, particularly our use of electron microscopy. These tools and techniques can reveal undiscovered structures important to both chemistry and biology.

Alvaro Sanchez
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University
Discipline: Ecology, Evolutionary Biology; Biotechnology

Microbes are most often found forming complex ecological communities that carry out essential functions throughout the biosphere.By tightly integrating genomic information, dynamic metabolic models, and high-throughput experimentation, the Sanchez lab seeks to quantitatively predict how microbial communities will assemble, and how they will evolve in a given environment.

Daniel Scolnic
Physics Department, Duke University
Discipline: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology

We don’t understand 95% of the universe, which is made up of the mysterious dark energy and dark matter. Scolnic’s research group is using a `cosmic distance ladder’ to measuring the current expansion rate of the universe and the components of the universe driving the expansion. Scolnic’s group is doing this by measuring thousands of exploding stars to map out the history of the universe.

Sichen Shao
Department of Cell Biology, Harvard University
Discipline: Biological Sciences

Maintaining protein homeostasis is essential for cell viability, fate, and function. Shao’s lab aims to understand the molecular mechanisms that detect and handle problems at different steps of protein biosynthesis by biochemically rebuilding cellular pathways for mechanistic and structural dissection.

Ashleigh Theberge
Department of Chemistry, University of Washington
Discipline: Engineering – Chemical or Biological

Communication across cell types – within the human body and across microbial communities – is central to life. Theberge’s group develops new approaches to decipher chemical dialog across cells using open microfluidic culture systems and particle-based extraction methods to selectively isolate chemical signals from complex biological systems.

Matt Thomson
Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology
Discipline: Biological Sciences; Biotechnology

We seek to understand and program collective behavior in biological systems across different scales of organization ranging from the molecular to cellular scale. We construct and apply mathematical models to control processes ranging from the self-organization of active matter to the development of neural circuits in the brain.

Da Yang
Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis
Discipline: Geosciences

The Yang group uses a combination of satellite observations, computer models and theory to study the Earth’s weather and climate. We focus on understanding the physics of rainstorms to address what sets their temporal and spatial scales, and how the collective effect of individual rainstorms shapes the Earth’s climate.

Lauren Zarzar
Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University
Discipline: Chemistry

Understanding how to program life-like dynamic characteristics into what otherwise would be a static system is an important aspect of designing functional materials. Zarzar’s lab investigates how chemical and mechanical pathways couple in soft materials, such as droplets and gels, to yield such adaptive behaviors and also explores laser writing to synthesize and integrate diverse microscale materials.

For more detailed information on each of the Fellows, please visit the Fellowship Directory.

About the Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering Selection Process

Each year, the Foundation invites 50 universities to nominate two faculty members for consideration. The Packard Fellowships Advisory Panel, a group of 12 internationally-recognized scientists and engineers, evaluates the nominations and recommends Fellows NetBet live casinofor approval by the Packard Foundation Board of Trustees. Packard Fellows must be faculty members who are eligible to serve as principal investigators on research in the natural and physical sciences or engineering and must be within the first three years of their faculty careers. Disciplines that are considered include physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, astronomy, computer science, earth science, ocean science and all branches of engineering. The Packard Fellowship is among the nation’s largest nongovernmental fellowships, designed with minimal constraints on how the funding is used to give the Fellows freedom to think big and look at complex issues with a fresh perspective. Visit the Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering webpage to learn more about the program.

About the David and Lucile Packard Foundation

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation is a private family foundation created in 1964 by David Packard (1912–1996), cofounder of the Hewlett-Packard Company, and Lucile Salter Packard (1914–1987). The Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations in the following program areas: Conservation and Science; Population and Reproductive Health; Children, Families, and Communities; and Local Grantmaking. The Foundation makes national and international grants and has a special focus on the Northern California counties of San Benito, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Monterey. Foundation grantmaking includes support for a wide variety of activities including direct services, research and policy development, and public information and education. Learn more at

Whitehead Institute team resolves structure of master growth regulator
Whitehead Institute
October 10, 2019

Cambridge, MA — A team of Whitehead Institute scientists has for the first time revealed the molecular structure of a critical growth regulator bound to its partner proteins, creating a fine-grained view of how they interact to sense nutrient levels and control cell growth. Their findings, described in the October 10th online issue of Science, help answer longstanding questions about how the mTORC1 kinase, and its anchoring complex, Rag-Ragulator, work at a molecular level. Using cryo-electron microscopy, the researchers uncover key structures, including a large coiled region and a small, flexible claw. These discoveries help explain the biology of mTORC1 and also lay the foundation for a new generation of drugs that are more precisely tailored to its distinct molecular makeup.

“These interactions are fundamental to the biology of mTORC1, so we and other researchers have been trying to resolve them since the connection of mTORC1 to lysosomes was first discovered in my lab over 10 years ago,” says senior author David Sabatini, a Member of Whitehead Institute, a professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). “Now, we have a really deep look at how this important complex works, which opens up a panorama of new research.”

mTORC1 is a massive protein complex that enables cells to respond appropriately when food is either abundant or scarce, and has been implicated in a wide range of human diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disease. It operates within tiny compartments known as lysosomes — miniature recycling stations of the cell. In order to sense nutrient levels in the lysosome, and become active, mTORC1 must first dock at the lysosomal surface, where it meets up with its anchoring protein (called Rag-Ragulator).

However, this docking is an exquisitely complicated affair. It is regulated by a handful of proteins: an mTORC1 subunit (called Raptor) and the Rag GTPases, which bind Raptor as a non-identical pair and act like a control switch. This switch has four settings: one, which is used when nutrients are high, allows mTORC1 to dock at the lysosome and become active; the other three are used in times of hunger to push the complex away from the lysosomal surface and thereby deactivate it.

“Lacking a detailed structure, there were a lot of unanswered questions about how these proteins work together,” says first author Kacper Rogala, a postdoctoral fellow in Sabatini’s laboratory. “How does this switch machinery function at the molecular level? How does Raptor know when to bind the Rag GTPases and when not to? We knew we’d need a high-resolution view of the proteins’ structure in order to discover the answers.”

To achieve that view, Rogala turned to a method known as cryo-electron microscopy or cryo-EM. Instead of creating protein crystals, as in X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM relies on samples that are quickly frozen and then viewed with an electron microscope. But the challenge with mTORC1 and its partner proteins is that they are very dynamic, rapidly coming together and then falling apart, which greatly decreases the odds of capturing an intact complex.

To help turn the tables in their favor, Rogala and his colleagues engineered a variety of single-letter genetic mutations into the Rag GTPases. These mutations were first identified in the tumor DNA of lymphoma patients that exhibited stronger than usual mTORC1 activity. After testing several different mutation combinations, the Whitehead Institute team found the ideal one: two mutations in a single Rag GTPase, which caused the components to linger together in a bound state for slightly longer than usual.

This feat of molecular engineering allowed the researchers to resolve the structure of the Raptor-Rag-Ragulator complex at an extraordinary level of detail — roughly 3 Angstroms, which is about three times the length of a carbon-carbon bond. “At this level of resolution, we can visualize individual amino acids within the proteins and see exactly where their chemical groups are pointing,” says Rogala.

With a detailed protein structure in hand, Rogala and his colleagues were able to discern some key structural elements. One, which they describe for the first time, is a claw-like appendage that interacts with one of the Rag GTPases (known as RagC). The other is a large, coiled structure, shaped like a solenoid, that faces RagA.

“We think that, together, these two structures are acting as detectors for the Rag GTPases — so, is the switch in the right configuration for docking at the lysosome or not?” says Rogala.

Researchers at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in the UK also completed an analysis of these proteins’ structures using complementary experimental methods. Rogala and Sabatini collaborated with the group, whose study appears in the same issue of Science.

A deeper understanding of mTORC1 structure is vital not just for understanding how it interacts with its partners. A second, related protein complex (called mTORC2) shares some of the same protein components. Existing drugs against these proteins work non-specifically and often target both mTORC1 and mTORC2 signaling. That lack of specificity can be problematic from a therapeutic perspective — for example, causing unwanted, and often severe, side effects.

“This structure throws open a treasure trove of new biology for us, and that is incredibly exciting,” says Sabatini.

This work was supported by grants from the NIH (R01 CA103866, R01 CA129105, and R37 AI47389), Department of Defense (W81XWH-07-0448), and Lustgarten Foundation; fellowships from the Tuberous Sclerosis Association, the Koch Institute, NIH (F30 CA236179), and Charles A. King Trust; and a Saudi Aramco Ibn Khaldun Fellowship for Saudi Women. David M. Sabatini is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and an ACS Research Professor.

Papers cited:

Rogala K.B. et al. Structural basis for the docking of mTORC1 on the lysosomal surfaceScience. DOI: 10.1126/science.aay0166

Madhanagopal et al. Architecture of human Rag GTPase heterodimers and their complex with mTORC1Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.aax3939

The World Is Open To Me Now’: A Scientist With Dyslexia On How Learning To Read Changed Her Life
September 30, 2019

Catherine Drennan describes herself as insatiably curious, a trait she credits to her parents. Some of her first memories come from protest rallies and academic lectures that her mom attended while finishing her Ph.D. in anthropology.

She says her parents didn’t care much for babysitters. So she went wherever they went and became fascinated with the world around her.

netbet sports betting app“They were just always out there asking questions,” Drennan remembers. “I think I eventually took that on.”

Drennan says she was definitely on the “nerdy” side as a young kid. She remembers preferring the conversation at the adults’ table over what was happening at the kids’ table at family gatherings.

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“I could just listen or join in,” she says. “But I was fascinated to learn what people were talking about and how I could be a part of that.”

Drennan was excited when it came time to start school. But when she got to first grade, she hit a major stumbling block. Drennan couldn’t make sense of the reading exercises the class was doing.

“They put these pages in front of me or a little book in front of me and other people seemed to know what it said,” Drennan remembers. “I couldn’t figure out how they were doing that.”

She compares those pages full of words to a code that she couldn’t figure out how to crack. Drennan was eventually placed in the lowest reading level in her grade, a designation that felt extremely embarrassing.

“I was someone who was so in love with learning but learning was not in love with me,” she says.

Eventually, Drennan was diagnosed with dyslexia. At the time, in the 1970s, scientists and educators didn’t know a lot about the diagnosis and there was little in the way of advice for kids like her on how to find other ways to decode the written word.

Drennan’s mom hired after-school tutors to help guide and encourage her, but finding a method that clicked in her brain was still something Drennan had to figure out for herself.

Eventually, she found success by memorizing the shapes of words. It was slow going at first, but around the sixth grade Drennan remembers hitting a tipping point. Her vocabulary had grown large enough to allow her to effectively read.

“And when it started to click I was like, ‘The world is open to me now,'” she says.

Books went from a source of frustration to a source of joy. Drennan remembers relishing in her new found ability to talk with her peers about books they had read and dissecting the stories together.

“Being able to get at these stories and read them and experience them,” she says, “It was just incredible.”

By the time seventh grade rolled around, Drennan’s relationship with school changed dramatically. She suddenly found herself jumping from the remedial classes to the most rigorous. And going to college felt like more of a reality than a distant dream.

Drennan eventually went on to earn a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1995. Today, she runs a chemistry lab at MIT exploring how proteins and enzymes in the human body interact with each other using computer generated models of their cellular structure.

In a way, Drennan says her dyslexia has been helpful in her research. Because she has become so skilled at recognizing shapes and interpreting what they mean, she’s able to notice details that other people in her lab often miss in those cellular pictures.

“People say we shouldn’t say ‘disabled’ we should say ‘differently abled’ and I totally believe that’s true for me,” she says.

Drennan explains she’s reached a stage in her life where she is comfortable in her own skin. She embraces her “geekiness” and looks at her dyslexia as an asset. She says her struggles learning to read have also helped her form better connections with the graduate students working in her lab.

“I know how to give them an environment where they can really show what they’re capable of doing,” she says.

Signaling factor seeking gene
Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
September 25, 2019

Cambridge, MA — During embryonic development, stem cells begin to take on specific identities, becoming distinct cell types with specialized characteristics and functions, in order to form the diverse organs and systems in our bodies. Cells rely on two main classes of regulators to define and maintain their identities; the first of these are master transcription factors, keystone proteins in each cell’s regulatory network, which keep the DNA sequences associated with crucial cell identity genes accessible for transcription — the process by which DNA is “read” into RNA. The other main regulators are signaling factors, which transmit information from the environment to the nucleus through a chain of proteins like a game of cellular telephone. Signaling factors can prompt changes in gene transcription as the cells react to that information.

One long-standing conundrum of how cell identity is determined is that many species, including humans, use the same core signaling pathways, with the same signaling factors, in all of their cells, yet this uniform machinery can cue a diverse array of cell-type specific gene activity, like an identical line of code being entered in many computers and causing each to start running a completely different program. New research from Whitehead Institute Member Richard Young, who is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, published online in Molecular Cell on September 25, sheds light on how the same signaling factor can lead to so many distinct responses — with the help of a mechanism called phase separation.

Co-senior author on the paper Jurian Schuijers, previously a postdoctoral researcher in Young’s lab and now a professor at the Center for Molecular Medicine at the University Medical Center Utrecht, was drawn to this puzzle after previously working in a signaling lab: “Two cells of different types that are right next to each other in the body can receive the exact same signal and have different reactions, and there was not a satisfying explanation for how that happens,” Schuijers says.

Young’s lab had previously found that signaling factors in pathways important for development tend to concentrate at super enhancers, clusters of DNA sequences that increase transcription of crucial cell identity genes. Because super enhancers are established at the genes important to identity in each cell, their activity is cell-type specific, so this co-localization provided a partial explanation of the puzzle, but it raised the question of how signaling factors are recruited to super enhancers. Young found the vague explanations that had been put forward, such as super enhancers being the most accessible DNA to signaling factors and their co-factors, unconvincing.

Young and his team suspected that an explanation for signaling factor recruitment might lie in their research on transcriptional condensates — droplets that form at super enhancers and concentrate transcriptional machinery there using phase separation, meaning the molecules separate out of their surroundings to form a distinct liquid compartment, like a drop of vinegar in a pool of oil. The proteins in condensates can do this because they contain intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs), stretches of amino acids that remain flexible, like wet spaghetti, and do not become fixed into a single shape the way most protein structures do. This property allows them to mesh together to form a condensate. The researchers reasoned that if signaling factors were joining transcriptional condensates, that could explain their concentration at super enhancers.

Young’s team confirmed that signaling factors in several of the most important pathways for embryonic development in mammals — WNT, TGF-β and JAK/STAT — contained IDRs. They further found that these factors were able to use their IDRs to form and join condensates, and that, in mouse cells, they appeared to join the condensates at super enhancers upon activation of their respective pathways.

The researchers then decided to focus on beta catenin, the signaling factor at the end of the Wnt signaling pathway, a pathway essential for development; it helps to coordinate things like body axis patterning and cell fate specification, proliferation and migration. When Wnt signaling goes awry in embryos, they fail to develop, and when it goes awry in adults it is implicated in diseases including cancer. The beta catenin protein has netbet sports bettingIDRs on both of its ends and a structured middle section, called the Armadillo repeat domain, where it binds to other transcription factors. Typically, beta catenin binds to transcription factors in the TCF/LEF family, which in turn bind to DNA—beta catenin cannot bind to DNA on its own — anchoring the signaling factor at the right site and prompting gene transcription. However, the researchers found that beta catenin could concentrate at super enhancers even when it could not bind to its usual partners, suggesting that transcriptional condensates were a sufficient recruitment mechanism. The researchers then created two abridged beta catenin molecules: one version that only contained the IDRs and one that only contained the Armadillo repeat domain. Both partial factors were able to concentrate at super enhancers, but neither was as effective as the combined whole.

“If you ask most people how these factors find their target locations in the genome, they would say it’s through their DNA binding domains,” says first author Alicia Zamudio, a graduate student in Young’s lab. “This research suggests that factors use both their structured DNA binding domains and their unstructured domains to find the right locations to bind in the genome and to activate target genes.”

One advantage for cells of using IDRs, versus DNA binding alone, might be reducing the time it takes for signaling factors to concentrate near the right genes, the researchers say. Speed is of the essence for some signaling pathways in order for cells to be able to respond quickly to environmental stimuli. Transcriptional condensates are larger in size and much fewer in number than DNA binding sites or DNA-binding co-factors, and so they shrink the space that a signaling factor entering the nucleus must search.

This research could provide new opportunities for drug discovery. Signaling pathways and super enhancers are both co-opted by oncogenes to drive the spread of cancer, so transcriptional condensates could be a promising target to disrupt both oncogenic signaling and oncogene transcription. Young also hopes that this research, which adds to his lab’s growing body of work on transcriptional condensates, will lead to a new appreciation of the disordered regions of proteins.

“For a long time, researchers have mostly ignored the intrinsically disordered regions of proteins — we literally cut them off when identifying the crystal structures — much in the same way that researchers used to study genes and ignore ‘junk DNA,’” Young says. “But, just as with junk DNA, we are discovering that the overlooked, less obviously functional regions of these molecules are very important after all.”


This work is supported by NIH grant GM123511 and NSF grant PHY1743900 (R.A.Y.), NIH grant GM117370 (D.J.T.), NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (A.V.Z.), NIH grant T32CA009172 (I.A.K.), and DFG Research Fellowship DE 3069/1-1 (T.M.D.).


Written by Greta Friar


Richard Young’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where his laboratory is located and all his research is conducted. He is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Full citation:

“Mediator condensates localize signaling factors to key cell identity genes”

Molecular Cell, published online September 25, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2019.08.016

Alicia V. Zamudio (1, 2), Alessandra Dall’Agnese (1), Jonathan E. Henninger (1), John C. Manteiga(1, 2), Lena K. Afeyan (1, 2), Nancy M. Hannett (1), Eliot L. Coffey (1, 2), Charles H. Li (1, 2), Ozgur Oksuz (1), Benjamin R. Sabari (1), Ann Boija (1), Isaac A. Klein (1,3), Susana W. Hawken (4), Jan-Hendrik Spille (5), Tim-Michael Decker (6), Ibrahim I. Cisse (5), Brian J. Abraham (1,7), Tong I. Lee (1), Dylan J. Taatjes (6), Jurian Schuijers (1,8,9), and Richard A. Young (1, 2, 9).

1. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA

2. Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA 3. Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 02215, USA

4. Program in Computational and Systems Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 02139 USA

5. Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA 6. Department of Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80303, USA

7. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, 038105, USA

8. Present address: Center for Molecular Medicine, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, 3584 CX, The Netherlands.

9. Equal contribution

A soft spot for science and a passion for people lead to a career in consulting

Mary Lee PhD ’10 uses the analytic and interpersonal skills she learned at MIT to advise life science companies as a managing consultant.

Saima Sidik
September 24, 2019

In the early 2000’s, Mary Lee PhD ’10 was an undergraduate student at California State University in Los Angeles with a burgeoning interest in molecular biology. On a whim, she applied to the MIT Summer Research Program in Biology (MSRP-Bio) in the hopes of spending 10 weeks conducting research in the MIT Department of Biology. She soon found herself in professor Bob Sauer‘s lab, and her life changed forever. “MIT unlocked opportunities that I’m positive I wouldn’t have had otherwise,” she says. These opportunities included the chance to later return to MIT Biology as a graduate student, where she earned her PhD.

Now, almost two decades later, Lee says she relies heavily on the analytical skills she learned at MIT in her current role as a consultant. Her firm, Blue Matter, helps biotech and pharmaceutical companies bring new therapeutic medicines and tools to patients.

As an MSRP-Bio student, Lee began studying a molecule called transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) that ensures efficient protein production in bacteria. Her interest in molecular biology had already been kindled by researching environmental carcinogens as an undergraduate student at Cal State LA, and her time in the Sauer lab intensified her drive to understand how molecules form the subcellular machines that keep organisms alive.

“It was fascinating to me that I could understand portions of how the world works by looking at them on a micro-scale,” she says. “I had so much fun intellectually, but personally, too.”

After MSRP-Bio, Lee decided to pursue a PhD in biology, and with Sauer’s letter of recommendation combined with her previous research experience and good grades, she earned a spot in MIT Biology’s Graduate Program. In 2004, she returned to the Sauer lab and immersed herself in their research regarding a class of protein degrading enzymes called proteases. In particular, she focused on the protease ClpP, and her work uncovered the intricacies of ClpP’s association with the cofactors that regulate its activity to maintain cellular homeostasis.

The Sauer lab taught Lee how to build on scientific conclusions and sift through ideas to let the most valuable ones rise to the top. “Grad school taught me how to take a lot of evidence and data and information and do something useful with it,” Lee says. “I remember reading the scientific literature as a young grad student and trying to decide if I believed the authors, or if I disagreed with their conclusions.” This process of reading and critiquing taught Lee how to recognize the strengths of a lab’s work while also assessing their weaknesses.

At MIT, Lee met people with widely varying interests and mindsets. Some of this diversity came from within the biology department, where she was impressed by the creative and wide-ranging approaches that her classmates applied to their research. It also came from living in a graduate student dorm, and later acting as a graduate resident advisor in an undergraduate dorm. These experiences gave her an opportunity to meet people from a wide range of departments, from the sciences to architecture and urban planning.

As her graduate work progressed, Lee realized that some of her most enjoyable moments at MIT involved exchanging ideas with people whose expertise differed from hers. She wanted to put her gregarious nature to good use, and she decided that the best way to do that was to become a consultant.

“Life sciences consulting is an industry where you can tap into your love of science in a way that involves a lot of human interaction,” she says.

Today, Lee continues to use the analytical and interpersonal skills she gained as a member of the Sauer lab to guide her clients towards developing products that improve patients’ lives. If a client is in the early netbet sports betting appstage of drug development, they might come to her having discovered a compound that targets a particular class of enzymes, for example, and she helps them figure out which diseases it could treat. For medicines that are in the later stages of development, clients’ needs are more market-driven, and they need help finding the best way to educate patients and physicians about their products.

Lee says that one of the most fulfilling consulting projects she’s worked on involved a client who asked her to identify the needs of people with a rare eye disease. This condition is caused by a genetic mutation that patients carry from birth, but the mutation doesn’t manifest as a disease until early adulthood. The project made an impression on Lee because she got to talk with people who have this rare mutation and ask them questions like, “How has this disorder shaped your life?” and “How can the research and biotech communities better support your needs?” Finding ways for her clients to help real people keeps Lee motivated during the long hours she spends at the office.

Lee’s days still involve the blend of creativity and analytical thinking that fueled her work in the Sauer lab, but at a much faster pace. Instead of leading one project for five-and-a-half years, as she did in graduate school, she now oversees five to eight short-term projects at any given time — each involving four to five people.

Lee says she can maintain this busy lifestyle because, “working with people really energizes me.” Brainstorming with her coworkers keeps her motivated, as do her clients and the patients they serve.

Thinking back to her time as a bench scientist, Lee says, there are some days when she misses the “tactile” aspects of doing research. But the ever-changing nature of consulting engages her curiosity, and the interpersonal connections satisfy her gregarious side. The job is an ideal fit for her personality, but perhaps this career would never have come about were it not for the day — almost twenty years ago — that she decided to apply to MSRP-Bio.

“I really think MIT is so special,” she says. “It’s a community of people who believe that the world is a wonderful place, and that it can be even better, and that they can be part of that change.”

Photo courtesy of Blue Matter