Five MIT students named 2019 Marshall Scholars

Radha Mastandrea, Katie O’Nell, Anna Sappington, Kyle Swanson, and Crystal Winston will begin graduate studies in the UK next fall.

Julia Mongo | Office of Distinguished Fellowships
December 3, 2018

Five MIT students — Radha Mastandrea, Kathryn O’Nell, Anna Sappington, Kyle Swanson ’18, and Crystal Winston — have been awarded Marshall Scholarships to pursue graduate studies in the United Kingdom. This class represents the largest number of Marshall Scholars from the Institute in a single year, and continues MIT students’ exceptional record of achievement in this elite fellowship program.

Funded by the British government, the Marshall Scholarship provides outstanding young Americans with the opportunity to earn advanced degrees in any academic subject at any university in the United Kingdom. Scholars are chosen through a rigorous national competition that assesses academic merit, leadership, and ambassadorial potential. Up to 40 Marshall Scholarships are granted each year.

The MIT students were guided by Kimberly Benard, assistant dean of distinguished fellowships within MIT Career Advising and Professional Development, and by the Presidential Committee on Distinguished Fellowships co-chaired by professors Rebecca Saxe and Will Broadhead. “Working with students like our Marshall Scholars is one of the great pleasures and privileges of teaching at MIT,” says Saxe. “Every year I’m impressed by how hard all of the finalists work to develop and communicate their distinctive vision for the future and their place in it.”

“MIT’s five Marshall Scholars, Radha, Katie, Anna, Kyle, and Crystal, are extraordinary; they are intelligent, creative, and dedicated to making a better world,” says MIT Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart. “Together, they make up an eighth of the entire class of 2019 Marshall Scholars, a remarkable accomplishment that would not have been possible without the hard work and passion of these students; the incredible efforts of professors Broadhead and Saxe and the entire Presidential Committee for Distinguished Fellowships; and the staff who work around the clock to support all applicants through this demanding process. We are fortunate that our 2019 Marshall Scholars have such exciting opportunities to look forward to, and that they will be representing the MIT community to the world.”

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Hailing from Westwood, Massachusetts, Mastandrea is an MIT senior double-majoring in physics and mathematics. She is headed to Cambridge, where she will study theoretical and experimental physics before returning to the U.S. to undertake a PhD in high-energy particle physics. She aims for a career in academia as a researcher and an advocate for open data.

As an undergraduate researcher with Professor Jesse Thaler at the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics, Mastandrea has been using machine learning to analyze a trove of open data from the CERN Large Hadron Collider to gain insight on quarks and gluons. Mastandrea has also conducted research on galaxy spectral emission data with Professor Michael McDonald at the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, and neutrinoless double beta decays with Professor Lindley Winslow at the MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science. During a summer internship at Caltech, she researched black holes with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) Scientific Collaboration.

Mastandrea is committed to championing women in physics. As president of MIT’s Undergraduate Women in Physics, she has established connections between undergraduates and older role models to showcase women’s accomplishments in the physics field. She has mentored local high school girls by leading physics exploration days on the MIT campus, and she helped write the MIT physics department’s first community values statement to foster a culture of respect and support. Mastandrea is also co-captain of MIT Bhangra and has taught bhangra dance classes to members of the local community.

Kathryn “Katie” O’Nell

O’Nell, from San Diego, California, is an MIT senior majoring in brain and cognitive sciences. At Oxford University, she will pursue an MS in the Department of Experimental Psychology. She will then return to the U.S. to embark on doctoral studies in computational neuroscience with the goal of becoming a professor and researcher.

O’Nell is currently conducting studies on facial perception in the laboratories of Professor Rebecca Saxe in MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Professor Stefano Anzellotti of Boston College. O’Nell has also been examining the connection between gestures and speech with the MIT Speech Communication Group, and she has created calcium imaging processing pipelines in the laboratory of Professor Ann Graybiel at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT. O’Nell spent two summers interning at the J. Craig Venter Institute, which conducts genomic and bioinformatics research.

On campus, O’Nell is an associate advisor to first-year students and a member of the associate advisor steering committee. She is active with the MIT Model UN Conference for high school students and serves as special political and decolonization committee chair. She also mentors high school students as a Splash instructor for the MIT Educational Studies Program and as president of the MIT Academic Teaching Initiative. As campus engagement chair for the MIT Addir Interfaith Program, O’Nell plans and promotes campus-wide events, including an upcoming interfaith hackathon. O’Nell originated and oversees the popular murder mystery-themed puzzle hunt for her residence hall, MacGregor House.

Anna Sappington

A native of Riva, Maryland, Sappington will graduate this spring with a BS in computer science and molecular biology. She will earn master’s degrees in machine learning at University College London and medical sciences in oncology at the Cambridge University. She will then pursue an interdisciplinary career as a physician-scientist using computer science to improve precision medicine.

As an undergraduate researcher at the laboratory of Professor Aviv Regev in MIT’s Department of Biology and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Sappington has been developing machine-learning techniques to improve cell type classification for the Human Cell Atlas Initiative. She has also conducted research on hepatitis B virus infection in the laboratory of Professor Sangeeta Bhatia in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. Sappington has held summer research internships at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and as an Amgen Scholar at Kyoto University, Japan. In 2018, she was named a national Barry M. Goldwater Scholar and an MIT Burchard Scholar.

Sappington served as the Director of TechX, which hosts world-renowned events such as HackMIT. She is co-president of the MIT Biology Undergraduate Student Association, a teaching assistant for the biology department, and a peer health counselor and former residential director for MIT MedLinks. A talented dancer, Sappington has performed with MIT DanceTroupe and the MIT Asian Dance Team. For the past two years, she has volunteered for the Massachusetts General Hospital department of radiation oncology.

Kyle Swanson

Hailing from Bronxville, New York, Swanson graduated from MIT in 2018 with a BS in computer science and engineering, a BS in mathematics, and a minor in music. He will receive his MEng in computer science and engineering this spring. As a Marshall Scholar, Swanson will study mathematics and computer science at Cambridge. He intends to pursue a PhD in computer science to research applications of machine learning to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

As an undergraduate, Swanson worked with Professor Regina Barzilay in MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and Constance Lehman in the Breast Imaging Division of Massachusetts General Hospital on machine learning to improve breast cancer detection in mammography, and recently co-authored a paper published in Radiology.

Swanson’s master’s research with Barzilay focuses on machine learning for chemistry. He is currently developing machine-learning algorithms to predict molecular properties such as toxicity or solubility, with the hope of developing a property-prediction tool that can accelerate drug discovery. Swanson previously conducted research on cybersecurity at CSAIL. He has interned at Microsoft and other companies and taught machine learning to university students in Kazakhstan.

An accomplished musician, Swanson plays flute and piccolo with the MIT Symphony Orchestra where he has served as president. He is active with the music service club Ribotones, which performs concerts NetBet live casinoat nursing homes, and he has played with MIT’s Chamber Music Society and Wind Ensemble. Swanson has received multiple MIT awards recognizing his musical talent and scholarship.

Crystal Winston

Winston, from Charlotte, North Carolina, is an MIT senior majoring in mechanical engineering. At Imperial College, Winston will embark on a PhD in aerospace materials and structures to further develop her skills in redesigning transportation systems. Her goal is to start a company that transforms transportation technology.

As a sophomore, Winston co-invented a remote-controlled four-wheeled robot that converts into a flying drone, which won first place in a campus project exhibition. She has continued to refine this project and hopes it can eventually be used to reduce traffic congestion by transporting people on ground or through the air.

Winston has conducted research on a robot for detecting and repairing pipe leaks, at the MIT Mechatronics Research Laboratory. As a mechanical engineering intern at Google, she designed and programmed systems for the cameras on Google Maps Streetview cars, and at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory she designed and prototyped an animal-inspired foot for the Europa Lander. She has been a mechanical team member for the MIT Solar Electric Vehicle Team, and helped design and manufacture an electric solar car for the 2017 Formula Sun Grand Prix.

Winston is dedicated to her work with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) where she has held several executive positions. As an engineering immersion program mentor with NSBE, she helps local underrepresented minority high school students prepare for STEM careers. Winston is a member of the Tau Beta Pi and Pi Tau Sigma engineering honors societies.

The long and short of CDK12

A new study linking RNA processing to DNA repair may open new avenues to cancer therapy.

Bendta Schroeder | Koch Institute
December 3, 2018

Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes pose a serious risk for breast and ovarian cancer because they endanger the genomic stability of a cell by interfering with homologous recombination repair (HR), a key mechanism for accurately repairing harmful double-stranded breaks in DNA. Without the ability to use HR to fix double-stranded breaks, the cell is forced to resort to more error-prone — and thus more cancer-prone — forms of DNA repair.

The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are not the only genes whose mutations foster tumorigenesis by causing an inability to repair DNA double strand breaks by HR. Mutations in twenty-two genes are known to disrupt HR, giving rise to tumors with what researchers call “BRCAness” characteristics. All but one of these BRCAness genes are known to be directly involved in the HR pathway.

The one exception, CDK12, is thought to facilitate a set of different processes altogether, involving how RNA transcripts are elongated, spliced and cleaved into their mature forms. While the connection between this RNA-modulating gene to DNA repair remained poorly understood, the identification of CDK12 as a BRCAness gene piqued significant clinical interest.

The researchers who pinpointed this connection, Sara Dubbury and Paul Boutz, both work in the laboratory of Phillip Sharp, Institute Professor, professor of biology, and member of the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. In a study appearing online in Nature on Nov. 28, they describe how they discovered a previously unknown mechanism by which CDK12 enables the production of full-length RNA transcripts and that this mechanism was especially critical to maintain functional expression of the other BRCAness genes.

When the researchers knocked out expression of CDK12, mouse stem cells showed many signs of accumulating DNA damage that prevented DNA replication from going forward, classic indications of a BRCAness phenotype. To identify what roles CDK12 may play in regulating gene expression, the researchers turned to RNA sequencing to determine which genes had increased or decreased their overall expression.

To their surprise, only genes activated by p53 and early differentiation (side effects of accumulating unrepaired DNA damage and BRCAness in mouse stem cells) accounted for the lion’s share of changes to RNA transcription. However, when the researchers instead focused on the types of RNAs transcribed, they found that many genes produced unusually short transcripts when CDK12 was absent.

Not every stretch of DNA in a gene makes it into the final RNA transcript. The initial RNA from a gene often includes sections, which researchers call “introns,” that are cut out of transcript, the discovery that earned Sharp the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and the remaining sections. “Exons,” are spliced together to form a mature transcript (mRNA). Alternately, an intronic polyadenylation (IPA) site may be activated to cleave away the RNA sequence that follows it preventing intron removal and generating a prematurely shortened transcript. These processes allow the same gene to produce alternate forms of messenger RNA (mRNA), and thus be translated into different protein sequences.

Surprisingly CDK12 knockout cells produced significantly more IPA-truncated transcripts genome-wide, while full-length transcripts for the same genes were reduced. These shortened mRNAs can vary greatly in their stability, their ability to be translated into protein, and their protein function. Thus, even while a gene may be actively transcribed, its translation into functional proteins can be radically altered or depleted by IPA activation.

While this observation began to illuminate CDK12’s role in regulating mRNA processing, what remained puzzling was why CDK12 loss affected the HR pathway so disproportionately. In investigating this question, Dubbury and Boutz found that BRCAness genes were overrepresented as a group among those genes that have increased IPA activity upon CDK12 loss.

Additionally, while CDK12 suppresses IPA activity genome-wide, 13 of the other 21 BRCAness genes were found to be particularly vulnerable to CDK12 loss, in part, because they possess multiple high-sensitivity IPA sites, which have a compound effect in decreasing the total amount of full-length transcripts. Moreover, because multiple CDK12-senstive BRCAness genes operate in the same HR pathway, the researchers believe that the disruption to HR repair of double-stranded DNA breaks is amplified.

CDK12 mutations are found recurrently in prostate and ovarian cancer patients, making them an attractive diagnostic and therapeutic target for cancer. However, not enough is known about CDK12 to distinguish between true loss-of-function mutations and so-called “passenger mutations” with no functional consequence.

“The ability to identify patients with true loss-of-function mutations in CDK12 would enable clinicians to label a new cohort of patients with bona fide BRCAness tumors that could benefit from certain highly effective and targeted chemotherapeutics against BRCAness, such as PARP1 inhibitors,” says Dubbury, a former David H. Koch Fellow.

Dubbury and Boutz were able to confirm that IPA sites in key BRCAness genes were also used more frequently upon CDK12 loss in human tumor cells using RNA sequencing data from prostate and ovarian tumor patients with CDK12 mutations and by treating human prostate adenocarcinoma and ovarian carcinoma cells with a CDK12 inhibitor. This result suggests that the CDK12 mechanism observed in mouse cell lines is conserved in humans and that CDK12 mutations in human ovarian and prostate tumors may promote tumorigenesis by increasing IPA activity and thus functionally attenuating HR repair.

“These results not only give us a better understanding how CDK12 contributes to BRCAness, they also may have exciting potential impact in the clinic,” Dubbury says. “Currently available diagnostic techniques could be used to probe the usage of IPA sites found in this study to rapidly screen for patients with true loss-of-function CDK12 mutations, who would respond to BRCAness-targeted treatments.”

Paul Boutz, a research scientist in the Sharp Lab, is co-first author of the study, and has plans to follow-up many of these implications for ovarian and prostate cancer his lab at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry.

“CDK12 provides a remarkable example of how factors that control the processing of RNA molecules can function as master regulators of gene networks, and thereby profoundly affect the physiology of both normal and cancerous cells,” he says.

Phil Sharp, the senior author on the work, says “Sara’s and Paul’s surprising discovery that CDK12 suppresses intronic polyadenylation has implications for fundamental new insights into gene structure as well as for control of cancer.”

Uncovering the “must-haves” of tissue regeneration
Nicole Davis | Whitehead Institute
November 27, 2018

Cambridge, MA.  – The ability to regrow missing or damaged body parts is one of the great marvels of modern biology. In an effort to lay bare the biological underpinnings of this phenomenon, scientists at Whitehead Institute have begun to define the core features that are required for regeneration in flatworms. Their research, which appears online November 27 in Cell Reports, reveals that a set of cellular and molecular responses — previously thought to be essential for regeneration following amputations and other major injuries — is in fact dispensable.

“This is a real surprise,” said senior author Peter Reddien, a Member of Whitehead Institute, professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. “These responses are broad, prominent attributes of tissue regeneration and repair and, a reasonable bet was that they function to bring about regeneration.”

About eight years ago, Reddien and his team described a set of biological activities that are triggered by injuries that remove tissue. Whereas a cut or a scrape removes little if any tissue, more damaging injuries, like amputations, cause significant tissue loss. That missing tissue must be regenerated to ensure the organism retains its proper anatomical proportions.

A series of cellular and molecular activities — known collectively as the missing tissue response — were believed to enable this regeneration to occur. They include the sustained action of genes that respond to injury, a period of intense cell division in areas surrounding the wound, and a general increase in cell death throughout the body. “This happens prominently, not only in planarians but also in other organisms capable of regeneration, so we suspected that the missing tissue response must play a very fundamental role in regeneration,” recalled Reddien.

What types of injuries require the missing tissue response for repair, and netbet online sports bettingwhat is the function of the missing tissue response in regeneration? Graduate student and first author Aneesha Tewari, Reddien and colleagues, including Sarah Stern and Isaac Oderberg, set out to uncover the answers. This work forms the basis of their latest Cell Reports study.

The researchers harnessed an earlier discovery that a gene known as follistatin is required for the missing tissue response in flatworms (known as planarians). By using molecular tools to inhibit this gene, they could block the missing tissue response and observe what happens under various wound conditions, ranging from minimal (the removal of an eye, for example) to moderate (the removal of the pharynx or part of the head) to significant tissue loss (the removal of a complete side of the body). Remarkably, in every case, the missing tissue was regenerated, albeit much more slowly than it would be otherwise.

“These results tell us that what the missing tissue response is really doing is simply pushing the foot down on the gas pedal — basically accelerating the process of regeneration,” explained Reddien. “If you can’t accelerate, you’ll still get there, it just takes longer.”

Tewari, Reddien, and their colleagues also cracked a thorny mystery surrounding the missing tissue response. Although their results show that it is not required across a wide range of injuries, there is one lingering instance in which regeneration failed to occur when they blocked the missing tissue response: head amputation.

“This was a big puzzle,” said Tewari. “It left us wondering whether or not we could generalize our findings to all types of wounds — is there something special about the head that makes it uniquely dependent on the missing tissue response?”

The answer, it turns out, is no. When follistatin is blocked, a key signaling protein, called Wnt1, kicks into overdrive. And when that happens, the tissue destined to form the head does not receive the positional cues it needs to properly regrow, which means regeneration fails to proceed. But, when both the missing tissue response and Wnt1 are blocked, the head does indeed regenerate, the team uncovered.

Taken together, the researchers’ findings begin to clarify what is essential for regeneration to take place and what is not. “Our study greatly simplifies the picture of what it takes to regenerate,” said Reddien. “And that’s an important step along the path towards dissecting the central elements of regeneration in animals that do regenerate well, like flatworms, and then applying that knowledge to understand what the limits might be in those animals that don’t regenerate as well, like humans.”

This research was supported by the NIH (R01GM080639), the National Science Foundation, the Eleanor Schwartz Charitable Foundation, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Peter Reddien’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where his laboratory is located and all his research is conducted. He is also a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and a professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Full citation:
Cell Reports,  Vol. 25, Is. 9, P2577-2590.E3, November 27, 2018, DOI:
“Cellular and molecular responses unique to major injury are dispensable for planarian regeneration”
Aneesha G. Tewari (1,2), Sarah R. Stern (1,2), Isaac M. Oderberg (1,2,4), and Peter W. Reddien (1,2,3)
 1.Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
2. Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
3. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, USA
4. Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Computer model offers more control over protein design

New approach generates a wider variety of protein sequences optimized to bind to drug targets.

Anne Trafton | MIT News Office
October 15, 2018

Designing synthetic proteins that can act as drugs for cancer or other diseases can be a tedious process: It generally involves creating a library of millions of proteins, then screening the library to find proteins that bind the correct target.

MIT biologists have now come up with a more refined approach in which they use computer modeling to predict how different protein sequences will interact with the target. This strategy generates a larger number of candidates and also offers greater control over a variety of protein traits, says Amy Keating, a professor of biology, a member of the Koch Institute, and the leader of the research team.

“Our method gives you a much bigger playing field where you can select solutions that are very different from one another and are going to have different strengths and liabilities,” she says. “Our hope is that we can provide a broader range of possible solutions to increase the throughput of those initial hits into useful, functional molecules.”

In a paper appearing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences the week of Oct. 15, Keating and her colleagues used this approach to generate several peptides that can target different members of a protein family called Bcl-2, which help to drive cancer growth.

Recent PhD recipients Justin Jenson and Vincent Xue are the lead authors of the paper. Other authors are postdoc Tirtha Mandal, former lab technician Lindsey Stretz, and former postdoc Lothar Reich.

Modeling interactions

Protein drugs, also called biopharmaceuticals, are a rapidly growing class of drugs that hold promise for treating a wide range of diseases. The usual method for identifying such drugs is to screen millions of proteins, either randomly chosen or selected by creating variants of protein sequences already shown to be promising candidates. This involves engineering viruses or yeast to produce each of the proteins, then exposing them to the target to see which ones bind the best.

“That is the standard approach: Either completely randomly, or with some prior knowledge, design a library of proteins, and then go fishing in the library to pull out the most promising members,” Keating says.

While that method works well, it usually produces proteins that are optimized for only a single trait: how well it binds to the target. It does not allow for any control over other features that could be useful, such as traits that contribute to a protein’s ability to get into cells or its tendency to provoke an immune response.

“There’s no obvious way to do that kind of thing — specify a positively charged peptide, for example — using the brute force library screening,” Keating says.

Another desirable feature is the ability to identify proteins that bind tightly to their target but not to similar targets, which helps to ensure that drugs do not have unintended side effects. The standard approach does allow researchers to do this, but the experiments become more cumbersome, Keating says.

The new strategy involves first creating a computer model that can relate peptide sequences to their binding affinity for the target protein. To create this model, the researchers first chose about 10,000 peptides, each 23 amino acids in length and helical in structure, and tested their binding to three different members of the Bcl-2 family. They intentionally chose some sequences they already knew would bind well, plus others they knew would not, so the model could incorporate data about a range of binding abilities.

From this set of data, the model can produce a “landscape” of how each peptide sequence interacts with each target. The researchers can then use the model to predict how other sequences will interact with the targets, and generate peptides that meet the desired criteria.

Using this model, the researchers produced 36 peptides that were predicted to tightly bind one family member but not the other two. All of the candidates performed extremely well when the researchers tested them experimentally, so they tried a more difficult problem: identifying proteins that bind to two of the members but not the third. Many of these proteins were also successful.

“This approach represents a shift from posing a very specific problem and then designing an experiment to solve it, to investing some work up front to generate this landscape of how sequence is related to function, capturing the landscape in a model, and then being able to explore it at will for multiple properties,” Keating says.

Sagar Khare, an associate professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University, says the new approach is impressive in its ability to discriminate between closely related protein targets.

“Selectivity of drugs is critical for minimizing off-target effects, and often selectivity is very difficult to encode because there are so many similar-looking molecular competitors that will also bind the drug apart from the intended target. This work shows how to encode this selectivity in the design itself,” says Khare, who was not involved in the research. “Applications in the development of therapeutic peptides will almost certainly ensue.”

Selective drugs

Members of the Bcl-2 protein family play an important role in regulating programmed cell death. Dysregulation of these proteins can inhibit cell death, helping tumors to grow unchecked, so many drug companies have been working on developing drugs that target this protein family. For such drugs to be effective, it may be important for them to target just one of the proteins, because disrupting all of them could cause harmful side effects in healthy cells.

“In many cases, cancer cells seem to be using just one or two members of the family to promote cell survival,” Keating says. “In general, it is acknowledged that having a panel of selective agents would be much better than a crude tool that just knocked them all out.”

The researchers have filed for patents on the peptides they identified in this study, and they hope that they will be further tested as possible drugs. Keating’s lab is now working on applying this new modeling approach to other protein targets. This kind of modeling could be useful for not only developing potential drugs, but also generating proteins for use in agricultural or energy applications, she says.

The research was funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships, and the National Institutes of Health.

Plant characteristics shaped by parental conflict
Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
November 19, 2018

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – Different subpopulations of a plant species can have distinct traits, varying in size, seed count, coloration, and so on. The primary source of this variation is genes: different versions of a gene can lead to different traits. However, genes are not the only determinant of such traits, and researchers are learning more about another contributor: epigenetics. Epigenetic factors are things that regulate genes, netbet online sports bettingaltering their expression, and like genes they can be inherited from generation to generation, even though they are independent of the actual DNA sequences of the genes.

One epigenetic mechanism is DNA methylation, in which the addition of chemical tags called methyl groups can turn genes on or off. Genes that share the identical DNA sequence but have different patterns of methylation are called epialleles. Several studies have shown that epialleles, like different versions of genes, can cause differences in traits between plant subpopulations, or strains, but whether genetic factors are also at play can be difficult to determine.

The lab of Whitehead Member Mary Gehring, who is also an associate professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has described evidence that epialleles alone can lead to different heritable traits in plants. In research published online November 5 in the journal PLoS Genetics, Gehring, along with co-first authors and former lab members Daniela Pignatta and Katherine Novitzky, showed that altering the methylation state of the gene HDG3 in different strains of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana was enough to cause changes in seed weight and in the timing of certain aspects of seed development.

In plants, methylation states of genes change most frequently during seed development, when genes are switched on or off to progress development of the organism. This period is also when a conflict of interest arises in the genome of each seed between the parts inherited from its mother and father. The mother plants produce seeds fertilized by different fathers at the same time. It’s in the mother’s interest to give an equal share of nutrients to each seed—to have many smaller seeds. But it’s in the father’s interest for its seed to get the most nutrients and grow larger. This conflict plays out through an epigenetic mechanism called imprinting, in which, through differential methylation between the father’s and mother’s copies of a gene, one parent’s copy is silenced in the offspring so that only the other parent’s version of the gene is expressed.

The gene HDG3 is imprinted in one strain of Arabidopsis so that only the father’s copy is expressed. Gehring and her team found that when the strain loses its paternal imprinting, the timing of seed development is affected and the plant ends up with smaller seeds. This is consistent with the theory of imprinting: When the father’s genes have the advantage, the seeds are larger than when both parents’ genes are equally expressed.

Other experiments tested the effect of either activating or silencing HDG3 by methylation in a variety of scenarios, both in a separate strain of Arabidopsis in which the gene starts off silenced, as well as in crosses between the two strains. The researchers found that altering the methylation state of the gene was sufficient to affect seed size and the timing of seed development. In the crosses, these traits depended on whether the paternal copy of the gene came from the strain in which HDG3 was normally silenced or the strain in which it was normally activated.

Altogether these experiments demonstrate a link between changes in methylation state and differences in seed development and size. This suggests that epialleles in natural populations function much like variations in genes, creating heritable traits that differ within the larger population.

This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF grant 1453459).


Mary Gehring’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where her laboratory is located and all her research is conducted. She is also an associate professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Full citation:
“A variably imprinted epiallele impacts seed development”
PLoS Genetics, online November 5 2018,
Daniela Pignatta (1,3), Katherine Novitzky (1,3), P. R. V. Satyaki (1), Mary Gehring (1,2)
1. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA, United States of America
2. Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States of America
3. These authors contributed equally to this work.
Heart-healthy plant chemistry
Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
October 29, 2018

Plants have been a rich source of medicines for thousands of years. Compounds such as artemisinin, for example, used to treat malaria, and morphine, a pain reliever, are mainstay therapeutics derived from plants. However, several roadblocks in plant chemistry research have prevented scientists from tapping into the full potential of plant-based medicinal compounds, thwarting drug discovery and development. Researchers typically screen for molecules of interest by breaking the plant into very small pieces, using biochemistry to test the activity of the pieces, and isolating the molecules responsible for the activity. It is often difficult, however, to pick the right compound responsible for a medicinal effect out of the plant mixture, or to identify the genes responsible for producing it.

The Chinese wolfberry plant (Lycium barbarum), also known as goji berry, has been used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine for millennia to treat symptoms such as high blood pressure. Researchers had identified small protein-like molecules called lyciumins, produced by the goji berry, as the source of its antihypertensive properties but little else was known about the molecules.

In research published online October 29 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Whitehead Institute Member Jing-Ke Weng and postdoctoral researcher Roland Kersten describe an approach to speed up the process of identifying plant chemistry that they used to investigate lyciumins. The approach capitalizes on the growing number of plants that have had their genomes sequenced. The wealth of genomic data available enabled Kersten to identify the gene that is associated with lyciumin production in goji berries by searching for a DNA sequence that matched the sequences of the lyciumins. Once Kersten found the matching precursor gene in goji berries he inserted it into a tobacco plant, which began producing lyciumins, confirming that he had found the right gene.

Kersten then hunted for lyciumin-producing genes in other plant genomes using a common feature of the genes that he had identified as a search query. He discovered more than one hundred unknown lyciumins in everything from potatoes to beets to soybeans.

Having sped up the gene discovery stage, Kersten used gene expression techniques to likewise speed up the molecule production stage. Being able to quickly produce large quantities of a drug candidate is necessary for testing and manufacturing the drug. Kersten edited the lyciumin precursor genes to make more copies of the molecule and then inserted the edited genes into the tobacco plant to mass produce lyciumins up to 40 times faster than the original plants. Kersten was also able to edit the lyciumins’ DNA sequences to alter the molecules’ structure, creating new varieties of lyciumins not found in nature. Together, these results allow for the future creation of a lyciumin library, a valuable repository for drug discovery research. Millions of different lyciumins can be grown in tobacco and tested for their efficacy as antihypertensive drugs or in other potential agrochemical and pharmaceutical applications.

Weng and Kersten’s approach leverages the recent explosion in plant genomics to uncover important medicinal compounds in plants and reveal the secrets of plants used in traditional global medicine for generations. For Kersten, the research was also an exciting demonstration of just how much undiscovered chemistry lies waiting to be tapped in even the best-studied crop plants.

This work was supported by grants from the Thome Foundation, the Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences, the Searle Scholars Program, and the Family Larsson Rosenquist Foundation.

Jing-Ke Weng’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where his laboratory is located and all his research is conducted. He is also an assistant professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Full citation:
“Gene-guided discovery and engineering of branched cyclic peptides in plants”
PNAS, online on October 29.
Roland D. Kersten (1), Jing-Ke Weng (1,2)
1. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, 455 Main Street, Cambridge, MA, United States
2. Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
Activating a new understanding of gene regulation
Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
November 15, 2018

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – Regulation of gene expression — turning genes on or off, increasing or decreasing their expression — is critical for defining cell identity during development and coordinating cellular activity throughout the cell’s lifetime. The common model of gene regulation imagines the nucleus of the cell as a large space in which molecules involved in DNA transcription float around seemingly at random until they stumble across a DNA sequence or other transcriptional machinery to which they can bind — a haphazard approach. However, this paradigm is being upended as over the last few years researchers have discovered that rather than being amorphous spaces dependent upon fortuitous collisions, cells actually compartmentalize their processes into discrete membraneless structures in order to congregate relevant molecules, thereby better coordinating their interactions. Research from the lab of Whitehead Member Richard Young and others earlier this year reported that such compartmentalization is a crucial, previously unobserved aspect of gene regulation.[1]

The latest research from Young’s lab, published online November 15 in the journal Cell, delves further into how such compartmentalization helps orchestrate transcriptional regulation by revealing the role of the activation domain, a part of transcription factors previously shrouded in mystery. One side of transcription factors, containing the DNA binding domain, binds to a region of DNA near a gene. The other end, called the activation domain, then captures molecules that impact gene expression, anchoring that transcriptional machinery near the gene.

This most recent work reveals that activation domains do their job by meshing with other transcription proteins to form liquid droplets near the genes they regulate. The process by which the molecules form a distinct liquid compartment within the environment of the cell — like oil refusing to mix with vinegar in a salad dressing — is called phase separation.

Such an evolved understanding of gene regulation has enormous implications for medicine and drug discovery, as errors in gene regulation are key components of many diseases, including cancers. The new model could help illuminate how diseases coopt regulatory mechanisms and how therapeutic interventions might remedy such dysregulation. Transcription factors have traditionally been hard to target therapeutically, and the incomplete understanding of their structure and function may have been part of the reason.

“Transcriptional regulation is important for every human function, from cell differentiation to development to cell maintenance,” says Ann Boija, co-first author and postdoctoral researcher in Young’s lab. “Despite that fact the structure and function of the activation domain on the transcription factors NetBet live casinohave been poorly understood.”

Most proteins settle into defined three-dimensional structures and can only bind with other molecules that fit them perfectly, in a specific orientation, like a key in a lock. The activation domains of transcription factor proteins, however, contain what are known as intrinsically disordered regions, which behave more like strands of cooked spaghetti, tangling at random into flexible shapes. This disorder allows the molecules to bind at many points, creating a dynamic network of loose connections that appears to precipitate phase separation.

“I have taught regulatory biology for decades using inspiration from lock and key structures. They are elegant, and easy to visualize and model, but they don’t tell the whole story. Phase separation was the missing piece,” says Young, who is also a professor of biology at MIT.

In experiments with a variety of transcription factors, Boija and co-first author Isaac Klein, a postdoctoral researcher in Young’s lab and medical oncology fellow at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, found that the transcription factors meshed with Mediator, a molecule that helps activate genes, and phase separated into droplets, and that this process was associated with gene activation. The transcription factors they investigated included OCT4, which is important for maintaining the state of embryonic stem cells; the estrogen receptor (ER), which plays a role in breast cancer; and GCN4, a well-studied model transcription factor in yeast.

The discovery has implications for many diseases, such as cancer, in which cancer genes may use phase separated droplets to help ramp up their expression. New therapeutic approaches could focus on dissolving the droplets, and drug discovery can incorporate testing of how the drug — or target molecule — behaves inside versus outside of the droplets. This new model of how transcription factors function is not only rewriting the understanding of transcriptional regulation, it is opening up new paths for drug discovery and therapeutic approaches.“We found a link between gene activation and phase separation across a broad spectrum of contexts,” Klein says, suggesting that this mechanism is a common feature of transcriptional regulation.

The work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH grants GM123511, GM117370, T32CA009172, T32GM08759), the National Science Foundation (NSF grant PHY1743900), Swedish Research Council (VR 2017-00372), Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (2309-17), Hope Funds for Cancer Research, Cancer Research Institute, and Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

Richard Young’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where his laboratory is located and all his research is conducted. He is also a professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Full citation:
“Transcription factors activate genes through the phase separation capacity of their activation domains”
Cell, online November 15, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.10.042
Ann Boija (1,7), Isaac A. Klein (1,2,7), Benjamin R. Sabari (1), Alessandra Dall’Agnese (1), Eliot L. Coffey (1,3), Alicia V. Zamudio (1,3), Charles H. Li (1), Krishna Shrinivas (4,5), John C. Manteiga (1,3), Nancy M. Hannett (1), Brian J. Abraham (1), Lena K. Afeyan (1,3), Yang E. Guo (1), Jenna K. Rimel (6), Charli B. Fant (6), Jurian Schuijers (1), Tong Ihn Lee (1), Dylan J. Taatjes (6), and Richard A. Young (1,3)
  1. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
  2. Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215, USA
  3. Department of Biology
  4. Department of Chemical Engineering
  5. Institute of Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA
  6. Department of Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80303, USA
  7. These authors contributed equally
[1] Sabari et al., “Coactivator condensation at super-enhancers links phase separation and gene control,”
Science, June 21, 2018; Cho et al., “Mediator and RNA polymerase II clusters associate in transcription-dependent condensates,” Science, June 21 2018.
A Long Legacy In RNA Discovery
Nicole Giese Rura | Whitehead Institute
October 25, 2018

On January 1, 1994, Whitehead Institute Fellow David Bartel officially opened his lab. Since then, his lab has achieved numerous milestones as a trailblazer in RNA research. Initially the lab studied the ability of RNA to catalyze chemical reactions, including reactions that would have been required early in the evolution of life. In 1999, which was several years after Bartel had become a Whitehead Institute Member, the lab also began to study the ability of RNA to trigger gene silencing.  As part of the field’s vanguard, they made early insights into the roles that small RNAs play during RNA-guided gene regulation and helped discover the abundance of microRNAs (miRNAs), small but critical pieces of RNA that had been largely overlooked until the Bartel lab and others detected their widespread existence in the early 2000s. Since then, the lab has made many discoveries that helped define miRNAs and how plants and animals make these short snippets of RNA and then use them to regulate genes.

To celebrate his lab’s silver anniversary, Bartel, who is also a professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), recently hosted a reunion for all current and former lab members, key collaborators, and their families. About 70 attended the scientific portion, and approximately 130 closed the symposium with dinner at the New England Aquarium. Far-flung participants came from the west coast of the United States and Canada, as well as from France, but the longest trip was made by former Bartel graduate student Huili Guo, her husband, and nine-month old daughter, who traveled from Singapore, where Guo is an independent fellow at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology.

True to his quest to expand knowledge, Bartel suggested that the scientific talks presented during the two-day event focus on recent findings and new research directions. The result struck a chord with Bartel’s graduate advisor, Jack Szostak. A professor at Harvard University, and an HHMI investigator, Szostak commented that as a leader of a lab, joy comes not only from seeing biology advance, but also from watching the biologists who have been in the lab—to see what they can do and where they go.

From Szostak to Margaret Glasner (Bartel’s second graduate student, who is now an associate professor at Texas A&M) to current lab members, the speakers during the scientific portion spanned Bartel’s career in science. These speakers presented their own work, which provided insight into how ideas planted and tended in Bartel’s lab sprouted and matured into innovative lines of research and labs. Many who passed through his lab remain focused on catalytic RNAs, miRNAs or other types of RNA, but others have branched off into different areas, such as investigating protein function, studying chromosome architecture, developing therapies for treating human disease, and working with (and in some cases founding) biotechnology firms.

Lab members—current and former alike—credit Bartel and their time in his lab as transformative, educational, and key to their future careers. But for some, being in Bartel’s lab had very important, unexpected benefits. Ulrich Müller (a former postdoc in the Bartel lab and currently an associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry at University of California, San Diego) met his wife, who was in the lab of Whitehead Institute Founding Member Robert Weinberg, at a Whitehead Institute social event on the second floor.

Laura Resteghini, who has been Bartel’s administrative lab manager since late 2000 and with Bartel was the primary organizing force behind the reunion, says that the occasion was two days of stellar research talks, reminiscing with old friends, and making new ones. But most importantly, the reunion celebrated Bartel’s rich history of scientific mentorship.

For Bartel, the reunion was not only an opportunity for everyone reconnect with friends and colleagues—as well as their families—but also for establishing new connections that could form the foundation for the next 25 years of innovative research.



David Bartel’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where his laboratory is located and all his research is conducted. He is also a professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

How Many Evolutionary Events Can It Take To Screw in Nature’s Lightbulb?

Firefly genomics reveals independent evolution of bioluminescence in beetles

Lisa Girard | Whitehead Institute
October 16, 2018

Cambridge, MA — Researchers at Whitehead Institute and collaborators from fourteen other institutions around the world have shed light on the evolutionary origins of luciferase, the key enzyme behind the glow of fireflies and other bioluminescent beetles. By sequencing the genomes of two American and Japanese firefly species that diverged approximately 100 million years ago, along with a more evolutionarily distant bioluminescent Caribbean click beetle, the team discovered that luciferase appears to have arisen independently in fireflies and click beetles. Examining the genes flanking that encoding the luciferase gene, suggests an evolutionary path along which the luciferase gene arose from duplications and divergences of CoA ligase genes involved in fat metabolism. As described online October 16 in the journal eLife, these findings provide fundamental insights into how enzymes can evolve, potentially inform strategies to help protect bioluminescent beetles from a shifting climate and habitat, and could extend the utility of luciferase, which has also been harnessed for biomedical and agricultural research, as a laboratory tool.

Throughout much of the world, the silent flash of a firefly on a warm evening can only mean one thing-Summer has arrived. But fireflies don’t just signal summer, their glow serves as a mating signal to other fireflies, and is even a warning that they are chemically defended, having a noxious taste capable of repelling the boldest of predators.

Belying its grandeur, the chemistry of firefly bioluminescence is relatively straightforward. Their light is produced by a specialized firefly enzyme, luciferase, that breaks down a molecule called luciferin, producing light in the process. Luciferase has become a mainstay tool in the laboratory. Scientists can fuse their gene of interest to luciferase and assay for gene expression by measuring the intensity of the glow after luciferin is added.

Beyond fireflies, there are other bioluminescent beetles (despite their name, fireflies are actually beetles), including certain tropical click-beetles. Perplexingly, these diverse bioluminescent beetles use very similar luciferase enzymes and luciferin molecules, but have an unrelated anatomy of their light-producing organs (also known as lanterns), making it unclear if their bioluminescence evolved from a common luminous ancestor, or if their special glow evolved independently.

Since fireflies and bioluminescent click-beetles are not netbet sports bettingmodel organisms like mice or fruit flies for which there is a wealth of genetic information, Jing-Ke Weng, Whitehead Institute Member and assistant professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), along with a  graduate student in Weng’s lab, Tim Fallon, and Cornell postdoctoral researcher, Sarah Lower, began their investigations by sequencing the genome of the American Big Dipper firefly, Photinus pyralisNamed for its distinctive swooping “J” flash , this common inhabitant of meadows and suburban lawns has been called the “All-American firefly”. Due to its abundance and ease of identification, it was also the firefly of choice for scientific study, and is the species from which luciferin and luciferase were first characterized. Wanting to start their work quickly and make their progress and data available to others in the firefly community, Whitehead Institute researchers and collaborators crowdsourced funds to sequence the Big Dipper firefly.

The Big Dipper genome sequence, they discovered, revealed interesting insights into the origin of the luciferase gene. Examining the genes flanking that encoding luciferase, they found a cluster, or tandem repeat, of fatty acid CoA ligase genes with the luciferase gene sitting in the middle of this cluster. Sequence similarity and proximity between the luciferase and fatty acid CoA ligase genes suggested an evolutionary path along which the luciferase gene was produced from tandem duplication and divergence of an ancestral fatty acid CoA ligase gene.

“When the luciferase gene was cloned, people knew it was similar to the fatty acid CoA ligase gene in sequence, and hypothesized that it must be related to that ancestry. But what we uncovered from the luciferase gene locus is a tandem repeat of five genes, four are still the fatty acid CoA ligases, but then luciferase evolved right in the middle we believe from divergence of one of these duplications,” says Weng.

The Big Dipper sequencing provided important insights into the origin of luciferase and additional factors involved in bioluminescence, but in order to gain additional insights into the evolution of bioluminescence, the researchers set out to sequence two additional species that they hoped would provide the additional context to help them triangulate on some answers.

The bioluminescent click beetle, Ignelater luminosus, is related to the firefly, but on another branch of the tree of life entirely. Instead of producing light at its tail, it has two lanterns behind its head.

“We thought that sequencing the click beetle would provide insights into the evolution of bioluminescence as well as perhaps into how these animals could acquire very similar traits in terms of their biochemistry, but not in terms of their development,” says Fallon.

The third species they selected to sequence was a Japanese aquatic firefly (Aquatica lateralis), known in Japan as the Heike firefly.  Heike and the Big Dipper diverged from one another over 100 million years ago (to give you a sense of how far this is, it is older than the evolutionary distance between humans and rodents).

The researchers analyzed genomic data from the Japanese aquatic firefly and saw a similar arrangement around the luciferase gene locus as they had in the Big Dipper genome, suggesting that luciferase arose from a common ancestral event in both firefly species. The structure around the luciferase locus in the click beetle, however, was entirely absent, suggesting that luciferase arose through a different event.  Taken together, by sequencing and analyzing data from the genomes of two firefly species that diverged approximately 100 million years ago, along with a more evolutionarily distant bioluminescent click beetle, the team discovered that luciferase appears to have evolved independently in both fireflies and click beetles.

“Having the genome allowed us to understand how the evolution of luciferase happened. Before sequencing, we knew there were five genes cloned, including luciferase, in firefly. By sequencing the genomes we actually uncovered those genomic loci where those initial gene duplication events occured,” says Lower.

In addition to the origins of luciferase, these findings also provided the researchers with insights into the evolution of the light organs.

“Since our findings suggest that luciferase originated independently in both lineages, we can infer that anything that came after luciferase, for example the light organs, or other things dependent on luciferase should also be independent,” says Fallon.

Discovering how bioluminescence arose, as well as other complex traits, can be studied now that genomic information is available. The information can also inform strategies to protect fireflies, whose populations in many parts of the world are diminishing. In addition to adding tools to help reveal a constituent parts list that could allow researchers to optimize bioluminescence as a tool, these findings reveal important insights into the evolution of bioluminescence as well as genomic evolution more broadly.

“Luciferase is a perfect example of how to build a new enzyme, duplication of a related progenitor gene followed by mutation and selection,” says Weng. “And one of the most exciting parts of this study was that by examining the evolutionary scars in the genomes we studied we could actually see it happen.”

* * *
Jing-Ke Weng’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where his laboratory is located and all his research is conducted. He is also an assistant professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
* * *
Full citation:
“Firefly genomes illuminate parallel origins of bioluminescence in beetles”
eLife, online on October 9, 2018. doi: 10.7554/eLife.36495
Timothy R. Fallon (1,2,*), Sarah E. Lower (3,*), Ching-Ho Chang (4) , Manabu Bessho-Uehara (5,6), Gavin J. Martin (7), Adam J. Bewick (8) , Megan Behringer (9) , Humberto J. Debat (10), Isaac Wong (4) , John C. Day (11), Anton Suvorov (7) , Christian J. Silva (4,12), Kathrin F. Stanger-Hall1 (3), David W. Hall (8) , Robert J. Schmitz (8), David R. Nelson (14), Sara M. Lewis (15), Shuji Shigenobu (16), Seth M. Bybee (7) , Amanda M. Larracuente (4), Yuichi Oba (5), and Jing-Ke Weng (1,2)
1. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA.
2.Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA.
3. Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14850, USA.
4. Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627, USA.
5. Department of Environmental Biology, Chubu University, Kasugai, Aichi 487-8501, Japan.
6. Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8601, Japan.
7. Department of Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, USA.
8. Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA.
9. Biodesign Center for Mechanisms of Evolution, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287, USA.
10. Center of Agronomic Research National Institute of Agricultural Technology, Córdoba, Argentina.
11. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) Wallingford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK.
12. Department of Plant Sciences, University of California Davis, Davis, California, USA.
13. Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA.
14. Department of Microbiology Immunology and Biochemistry, University of Tennessee  HSC, Memphis 38163, USA.
15. Department of Biology, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts 02155, USA.
16. NIBB Core Research Facilities, National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki 444-8585, Japan.
Only in Your Head
Greta Friar | Whitehead Institute
October 9, 2018

Cambridge, Mass. — Brain development is a delicately choreographed dance in which cell division and differentiation into mature cell types must be performed in the right balance for normal growth. In order to better understand factors affecting brain development, Whitehead Institute researchers investigated a genetic mutation that leads to a brain-specific developmental disorder in spite of the gene’s prevalent expression in other cell types.

Kinetochore null protein 1 (KNL1) acts throughout the body during cell division to help ensure the accurate segregation of chromosomes into each daughter cell. A mutation in the KNL1 gene caused by a single change in its DNA sequence leads to microcephaly, a condition in which the brain fails to properly develop, causing babies to be born with small heads, often accompanied by intellectual disabilities and other health problems. In an article published online October 9 in the journal Cell Reports, Whitehead Institute Founding Member Rudolf Jaenisch and colleagues investigated how this KNL1 mutation can lead to microcephaly without affecting other cell types, providing important insights into the underlying basis of microcephaly and the role that KNL1 normally plays in brain development.

“The key question we were interested in was why, if the gene is ubiquitously expressed, is there a brain-specific phenotype,” says Jaenisch, who is also a professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Jaenisch lab graduate student Attya Omer Javed, a co-first author on the paper along with past lab members Yun Li and Julien Muffat, used CRISPR-Cas9 to recreate the mutation—a point mutation, or one-letter change in the DNA sequence of the KNL1 gene—in several different cell types derived from human stem cells in the lab. Of the three cell types tested, they found that only the neural progenitor cells, early stage cells that become brain cells, appeared to be affected.

As the brain develops, each neural progenitor can either keep dividing to increase the overall number of cells in the brain, or it can mature into a differentiated brain cell, at which point it is no longer able to divide. For a healthy brain to develop, there needs to be a careful balance between these two processes of proliferation and differentiation. If the progenitors take too long to differentiate, the developing brain won’t have the specific cells it needs to assemble. But if all of the cells differentiate too quickly, before they can divide, there will be a shortage of cells and the brain will be too small.

“Neural progenitors are going through many cell cycles, dividing quickly during brain development. Even a small defect could accumulate to have a huge impact,” Omer Javed says.

The researchers discovered that neural progenitors with the KNL1 mutation differentiated prematurely at the cost of proliferation, resulting in the small brain size that characterizes microcephaly. The brain cells with the mutation also were at a greater risk of cell death, disruption of the cell cycle, ending up with the wrong number of chromosomes, and malfunctions during attempted cell division.

KNL1’s role is in the kinetochore, an assembly of proteins that operate during mitosis to attach chromosomes to the machinery that will pull them apart into the daughter cells. This is why the KNL1 mutation negatively affects cell division. Co-author and Whitehead Member Iain Cheesemanhelped identify KNL1’s role in the kinetochore as a postdoctoral researcher years ago, and his expertise provided an opportunity for collaboration between his lab and Jaenisch’s.

“I have always found it interesting that inherited mutations to the kinetochore NetBet live casinoseem to lead to microcephaly,” Cheeseman says. “Investigating KNL1 together was an exciting chance to combine our labs’ diverse scientific knowledge.”

In order for the researchers to study the cells in an environment that more closely mimicked a human brain, they used a 3D cell culture technique to grow organoids made up of neural progenitors. Omer Javed found that the neural progenitors were extremely sensitive, as the organoids with the mutation expressed the microcephaly phenotype after as little as two weeks of growth.

Omer Javed then looked for differences between neural progenitors and the other cell types that would explain the brain-specific effects of the mutation. Even with the mutation, the KNL1 gene appeared able to make a functioning protein, explaining its lack of effect on the other cell types. So Omer Javed turned her attention to factors involved in regulating gene expression. For many of our genes to be expressed, first sections called introns must be removed, or spliced out, in order for the correct DNA sequence to then be read into RNA and then translated into a functional protein.

Omer Javed found that the KNL1 mutation created a site for splicing inhibitors to bind and silence the KNL1 gene by preventing it from being read into RNA. She also found a disparity in the level of a protein involved in this process between the cell types: the inhibitory splicing protein hnRNPA1 was much more prevalent in neural progenitors than elsewhere. When hnRNPA1 came across the site caused by the mutation, it prevented the gene from being expressed. The high quantity of hnRNPA1 in neural progenitors appears to be the main factor mediating the brain-specific effects of the mutation.

The work complements and extends previous investigations by the researchers into how neural progenitor proliferation may have contributed to the evolution of large human brains, as well as studies investigating why neural progenitors are so vulnerable to the Zika virus, which has been associated with microcephaly. Given their work suggesting that KNL1 could be a regulator of brain size, Omer Javed hopes that future research will reveal its role in the evolution of the human brain.


This research was supported by Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, the Simons Foundation, the International Rett Syndrome Foundation, Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, the European Leukodystrophy Association, the National Institutes of Health (NIH grants HD 045022, R37-CA084198 and 1U19AI131135-01). Jaenisch is a cofounder of Fate Therapeutics, Fulcrum Therapeutics, and Omega Therapeutics.


Rudolf Jaenisch’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, where his laboratory is located and all his research is conducted. He is also a professor of biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Full citation:
“Microcephaly modeling of kinetochore mutation reveals a brain-specific phenotype”
Cell Reports, online October 9, 2018
Attya Omer (1,2,8), Yun Li (2,3,4,8), Julien Muffat (2,4,5,8), Kuan-Chung Su (2), Malkiel A. Cohen (2), Tenzin Lungjangwa (2), Patrick Aubourg (1,6), Iain M. Cheeseman (2,7), and Rudolf Jaenisch (2,7).
1. Université Paris-Saclay, ED 569, 5 Rue Jean-Baptiste Clément, 92290 Châtenay-Malabry, France
2.  Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, 455 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
3. Program in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, The Hospital for Sick Children, 686 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M4G 0A4, Canada
4. Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 1A8, Canada
5. Program in Neurosciences and Mental Health, The Hospital for Sick Children, 686 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5G 0A4, Canada
6. INSERM U1169, CHU Bicêtre Paris Sud, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France.
7. Department of Biology, MIT, 31 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
8. These authors contributed equally