{"id":26828,"date":"2023-06-15T12:24:59","date_gmt":"2023-06-15T16:24:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/biology.mit.edu\/?page_id=26828"},"modified":"2024-09-11T09:53:27","modified_gmt":"2024-09-11T13:53:27","slug":"update-on-mit-biology-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-efforts-2023","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/biology.mit.edu\/about\/diversity\/update-on-mit-biology-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-efforts-2023\/","title":{"rendered":"Update on MIT Biology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts 2023"},"content":{"rendered":"

As a department committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the DEI Officer of the department in collaboration with our Department Head, Graduate Program officers, Outreach and Recruitment staff, the Education Office, and the DEI Council and Faculty DEI Committee<\/a> provide this update on the Biology strategic plan. We provide updates on current DEI projects, outreach and recruitment, and a view for the future.\u00a0 This work is made possible through the continued support and collaboration with the Institutional Community and Equity Office<\/a> and the DEI efforts of the School of Science Dean\u2019s Office. This is not all-encompassing of every DEI effort but seeks to provide an update and overview for those in the department. As always, if you have suggestions or would like to be more involved in formal or informal DEI efforts in the department, please reach out to Hallie Dowling-Francisco at halliedh@mit.edu<\/a>.<\/p>\n

For in-depth information on diversity data in Biology and at MIT, we encourage you to explore the Diversity Dashboard<\/a> from the Office of Institutional Research.<\/p>\n

Update on the strategic plan <\/strong><\/h2>\n

In Spring 2022, we published our strategic action plan on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. <\/a>\u00a0The following sections report on progress and updates to that plan. You will also find additional topics addressed here that were not explicitly included in the strategic plan but that have been added to address the evolving needs of the department. If you have questions, feel free to contact Hallie or the DEI Council representatives.<\/p>\n

Training and advancing education <\/strong><\/h3>\n

\u00a0<\/strong>A variety of updates were made to our previously set goals around training and education for the department:<\/p>\n

  1. DEI lab-level training<\/u>: Through conversations within the department, and in alignment with the departmental and institutional strategic plans, the DEI Officer Hallie Dowling-Huppert created lab-level trainings aimed at fostering welcoming and inclusive environments. Lab-level trainings were tailored to each lab\u2019s needs and focused on increasing equity and inclusion within the lab space. Lab members participated in conversations on conflict resolution, power dynamics, self-advocacy, and other topics as needed. They also went through scenarios that address issues that often come up in labs. Beyond lab-level trainings, Hallie leads numerous departmental workshops around inclusion, climate, and DEI for trainees, faculty, and staff.\u00a0 Approximately 85% of the KI and Building 68 labs that are primarily Biology labs have received lab-level training.\u00a0 The Whitehead intends to create a similar training and launch it in the fall.\u00a0 The DEI officer has also provided two DEI-related trainings to staff during regularly scheduled staff meetings, and we anticipate that these sessions will continue.<\/li>\n
  2. First-year student sessions<\/u>: For the second year, in fall of 2022, all incoming Ph.D. students completed 6 sessions with the DEI officer. These sessions included DEI and resource information and an introduction to Grad Support and IDHR (including information on resources, policies, and reporting options). First-year students were informed of resources such as core-course tutors and the possibility of requesting extra time on exams, in addition to other accommodations-related information. We will collaborate with current first- and second-year students this summer as part of our goal to continually improve training for incoming Ph.D. students in the fall.<\/li>\n
  3. Offering micro-credentials<\/u>: In collaboration with Dr. Darcy Gordon, Instructor of Online and Blended Learning in Biology, and with support from the DEI Officer, the department launched a micro-credential course focused on Inclusive Teaching Practices. A micro-credential is a concentrated education course that provides the participants with a high level of understanding in a short time and in our case, provides them with a departmental certificate in that subject area. The pre-post survey results indicated that the workshop was effective in achieving the intended learning goals (as evidenced by strong right-ward shifts in attitudes). We have run two sessions, with a total of 19 out of 24 participants receiving certificates, and have plans to run the workshop again in the fall. More information can be found in the addendum<\/a>. We aim to expand micro-credential offerings in the next year. Potential topics include bystander intervention, mentorship, and facilitator training.<\/li>\n
  4. Mentorship training and assessment for faculty:<\/u> More than 40 research-active faculty who mentor graduate students attended a mentor training offered by CIMER<\/a> in 2021. Following that training, the department assembled a Biology Committee on Mentorship, aimed at assessing current efforts and creating recommendations for faculty and their mentees.\u00a0 Recommendations include providing regular opportunities for trainees to give feedback and increased opportunities for faculty to receive training on mentorship.\u00a0 The committee report can be found here<\/a>.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    Additional progress: <\/em><\/p>\n

    1. Retreat sessions<\/u>: In a continuing effort to support community understanding of DEI, our DEI officer has led sessions at the building 68 retreats in 2021, 2022, and 2023. The session at the 2023 retreat will focus on self-advocacy and conflict resolution.<\/li>\n
    2. Collaboration with institutional training initiatives<\/u>: To align our training strategies with institutional initiatives, our DEI officer has participated in monthly meetings with an institution-wide Training Advisory Committee made up of staff and faculty across the institute who are involved in training. The outcome of these meetings is the creation of an institutional website that lists all training offerings and how to get involved.\u00a0 This is hosted through the ICEO and will be launched in Fall of 2023.\u00a0 Additionally, we have worked to create learning outcomes and standards for all mandatory institutional trainings.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

      Equity and Inclusion <\/strong><\/h3>\n

      Improving department, graduate program, and lab climate remain a critical aspect of an educational and work experience that is inclusive and equitable. In alignment with the strategic plan, the departmental DEI Officer, with support from the Biology DEI Council and Faculty DEI Committee, has launched or continued a variety of initiatives focused on increasing equity and inclusion.<\/p>\n

      Progress on previously identified goals includes:<\/p>\n

      1. Grad student support<\/u>: Graduate students continue to be supported by the DEI Officer. Hallie collaborates with individual students and with student organizations to address concerns and works to create departmental-level change based on those needs, in collaboration with the Department Head and other department leaders.\u00a0 Hallie can escalate concerns when challenges arise, as needed.\u00a0 Hallie also serves as a support and referral resource for students involved in challenging situations.\u00a0 She can offer facilitated conversations between supervisors, trainees, and others that create more effective communication between groups.<\/li>\n
      2. Staff support<\/u>:\u00a0 To better support newly hired staff, the DEI Council staff representatives have implemented a staff buddy program.\u00a0 Newly hired staff of all roles across the department are paired with DEI Council staff representatives to meet casually during the first 6 weeks of their tenure at MIT. This aims to increase the feeling of welcome for newly hired staff and connect them to resources, knowledge, and support in our community. Over 15 new staff and postdocs participated in this program in the first year.<\/li>\n
      3. Post Doc support<\/u>: In collaboration with the DEI officer and postdocs on the Biology DEI Council and the Building 68 Post Doc Association, two support programs to welcome postdocs have been launched.\u00a0 The first is the postdoc buddy program, which pairs new postdocs with established postdocs to foster connections.\u00a0 The second is an application review program for postdocs applying for fellowships and grants, in which postdocs who have been awarded grants of the same type look over applications to promote the success of the applications.<\/li>\n
      4. Faculty support<\/u>: Beginning in the Spring of 2022 and continuing this academic year, the department offered a series of orientation and support sessions for newly hired faculty to aid in their transition to faculty positions at MIT.\u00a0 Jackie Lees, Iain Cheeseman, and Hallie developed programming to address mentorship, setting up a lab, graduate and undergraduate teaching, managing lab finances, navigating promotion processes, and more.<\/li>\n
      5. Responsible Conduct in Research support:<\/u>\u00a0 As an extension to the existing Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) curriculum, the graduate committee has sponsored a new Science and Society Series series of talks during the IAP period. This was run in 2022 and 2023. Lectures by experts, followed by a Q&A with students, highlighted the connections between DEI and research.\u00a0 This program is required for first-year Ph.D. students and is open to the whole biology community.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

        Additional activities:<\/p>\n

        1. Lab compacts and lab support<\/u>:\u00a0 The DEI Officer has supported three labs in creating and instituting Diversity Statements and Lab Compacts that indicate expected behavior in the lab.<\/li>\n
        2. Welcoming programming<\/u>:\u00a0 In September of 2022, the DEI Officer organized a welcome DEI event to welcome new department members to campus and acquaint them with DEI-related groups and student organizations in the department.\u00a0 Over 50 people attended this event and it was successful in creating connections.<\/li>\n
        3. Support for institutional dialogue: <\/u>During the 2022-2023 school year, the Institute has been engaged in challenging conversations about free speech following the release of the report on free expression<\/a> by the faculty and following the statement<\/a> on freedom of expression and academic freedom.\u00a0 The DEI Officer has been involved in many conversations with trainees, staff, and faculty both in the department and at the institute about these issues and how we support the growth of the community and the humanity of each individual in it.\u00a0 We do not have a resolution to these challenges and conversations, but we continue to show up and participate. We hope that we will see updates in postering policies and more productive discussions on how to support healthy dialogue while also providing supportive spaces for all.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

          Transparency and connection making\u00a0 <\/strong><\/h3>\n

          We endeavor to increase transparency and trust across the department through continued and frequent communication and dialogue, through multiple channels. We have made a few advances in this strategic plan category.<\/p>\n

          1. Reports: <\/u>The strategic plan was produced in May of 2022 and served as a baseline for future reporting. This is the first of annual updates on DEI in the department.<\/li>\n
          2. Graduate Diversity Report: <\/u>Each fall, the Graduate Committee produces a report on DEI and the graduate program.\u00a0 Some information from that report is included in this report as it pertains to DEI.<\/li>\n
          3. Newsletter: <\/u>Starting in 2021, there has been a DEI section of the newsletter once a month.\u00a0 This serves to provide updates by the DEI Officer, promote DEI events, and highlight days of importance.\u00a0 Moving forward, we would like to use this to highlight people who are invested in DEI in the community and who are contributing to significant advances in DEI at MIT.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

            Additional updates:<\/p>\n

            1. Funding transparency: the DEI Council has heard from trainees that it is difficult to know where to apply for funding to support student organization activities related to DEI.\u00a0 The DEI Council is currently working on a document that will assist in making potential funding sources more transparent.\u00a0 We aim to have this published by the fall.\u00a0 While we encourage trainees to seek funding from available sources at MIT, to amplify the impact of our local funds, if you are not able to get funding in this way, please come talk to the DEI Officer or the Department Head.\u00a0 We value student organization programming, which is vital to welcoming and inclusion in the department, and we are happy to consider your ideas and requests.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

              Update on Outreach and Recruitment activities<\/strong><\/h2>\n

              Dr. Mandana Sassanfar continues to lead the department\u2019s diversity recruiting and outreach activities, including the highly successful\u00a0Bernard S. and Sophie G. Gould MIT Summer Research Program (BSG-MSRP-Bio)<\/a>.\u00a0As of June 2021, approximately 98% of the participating students have graduated from college and around 74% have enrolled in graduate school or in an MD\/PhD program, including around\u00a031% who have enrolled at MIT. The success of this program is inspirational, earning it an\u00a0INSIGHT Into Diversity 2022 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award<\/a>.<\/p>\n

              LEAH Knox Scholars Program<\/a> (LKS):\u00a0After being taught remotely for the past two years, the 5-week LKS lab course was back on campus in 2022.\u00a0This program provides a\u00a0two-summer introduction to the research to Boston public high-school students, most of whom are from underrepresented groups in STEM. During their first-year summer, students are introduced to basic techniques in molecular biology and microbiology at MIT. In their second year, students are placed in research labs in Boston and Cambridge. In 2022, the biology department hosted three second-year scholars.<\/p>\n

              In 2023 the Faculty DEI Committee and the DEI Officer hosted the first Catalyst Symposium<\/a>, in collaboration with Building 68 and Koch and Whitehead Institutes.\u00a0 This symposium is part of a new effort to bring outstanding postdocs from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds in science to engage with members of our community. Aimed specifically at postdocs pursuing academic careers, the two-day symposium provides a venue for participants to share their research, discuss exciting new directions, and make new professional connections. We welcomed eight Catalyst Fellows in May of 2023.\u00a0 We plan to repeat the symposium in future years, using feedback from this year\u2019s fellows to further enhance the experience. We also aim to provide panels on the faculty search process and junior faculty experience to post-docs in the Biology community, to support their professional growth.<\/p>\n

              Progress includes the following updates to previously identified goals:<\/p>\n

              1. Forging additional relationships with faculty members at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) suis tch as Spelman College, Howard University, North Carolina A&T State University, North Carolina Central University, and Albany State University. This is led by Dr. Mandana Sassanfar and supported by departmental faculty.<\/li>\n
              2. Increasing the number of Black students in MSRP-Bio: Of the 39 summer students in 2022, 15 were Black. 4 were placed in biology labs, one in chemistry, and 10 in BCS labs.<\/li>\n
              3. Structuring Open Houses to highlight DEI activities and introduce students to various departmental and campus resources for graduate students, including introducing prospective students to current URM students. This includes socials geared towards URM students that are open to all prospective students and a DEI session for all students.\u00a0 The DEI session for all prospective students was added to the recruiting program in 2022 and 2023 and was led by Hallie Dowling-Huppert and Dr. Mandana Sassanfar. This highlighted DEI activities in the department and created space for prospective students to talk with current URM students and students who are active in Biology DEI initiatives. The socials were held for all students and included prospective URM students including LGBTQ, BIPOC, and International Student mixers.\u00a0 Besides this, many students, including URM students, were involved in the recruitment process.<\/li>\n
              4. The DEI Officer for Biology has been included in meetings with all faculty candidates for searches in the 2022 and 2023 search cycles and has run bias in hiring training for the faculty search committees.<\/li>\n
              5. Graduate officers provided instruction to all faculty readers involved in the recruiting and admissions process as in-person\/remote orientation with an emphasis on our holistic process and including instruction on what to look for, various admission criteria, and the role of implicit bias. The pool of faculty readers was also expanded.<\/li>\n
              6. Biology Application Assistance Program<\/a>: In this student-run program, members of the graduate committee meet with student groups to explain the graduate school application process and offer advice. Students also mentor applicants on their applications.<\/li>\n
              7. Of the 642 domestic applications received, around 15% were from URM candidates (8.5% of total applicants).\u00a0 Reviewers of URM applications had previous training and guidance on reading and evaluating applications. According to MIT<\/a> and Biology departmental data<\/a>, the graduation rate, time to Ph.D., and career outcomes for Biology URM and non-URM students are very similar.<\/li>\n
              8. Current and historical information on admissions statistics and student outcomes<\/a> have been made available on the department\u2019s web page and will be updated annually.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n


                As a department committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the DEI Officer of the department in collaboration with our Department Head, Graduate Program officers, Outreach and Recruitment staff, the Education Office, and the DEI Council and Faculty DEI Committee provide this update on the Biology strategic plan. We provide updates on current DEI projects, outreach […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":14,"featured_media":0,"parent":148,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"page-internal-only.php","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-26828","page","type-page","status-publish","hentry"],"acf":[],"yoast_head":"\nUpdate on MIT Biology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts 2023 - MIT Department of Biology<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/biology.mit.edu\/about\/diversity\/update-on-mit-biology-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-efforts-2023\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Update on MIT Biology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts 2023\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"As a department committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the DEI Officer of the department in collaboration with our Department Head, Graduate Program officers, Outreach and Recruitment staff, the Education Office, and the DEI Council and Faculty DEI Committee provide this update on the Biology strategic plan. 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