Eliezer Calo

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Associate Professor of Biology

Eliezer Calo studies how cells build ribosomes and how dysfunction in ribosome biogenesis and function leads to tissue-specific developmental disorders and cancer.







Building 68 - Koch Biology Building


Cindy Woolley



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  • PhD, 2011, MIT
  • BS, 2006, Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras

Research Summary

We focus on the molecular entities controlling and coordinating RNA metabolism — that is, the compendium of processes that involve RNA, including protein synthesis, processing, modifications, export, translation and degradation. Our goal is to understand how different aspects of RNA metabolism are controlled to generate structure and function during development, as well as how mutations in components of the RNA metabolic program lead to congenital disorders and cancer.

Key Publications

  1. DNA-PKcs has KU-dependent function in rRNA processing and haematopoiesis. Shao, Z, Flynn, RA, Crowe, JL, Zhu, Y, Liang, J, Jiang, W, Aryan, F, Aoude, P, Bertozzi, CR, Estes, VM et al.. 2020. Nature 579, 291-296.
    doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2041-2PMID:32103174
  2. 7SK-BAF axis controls pervasive transcription at enhancers. Flynn, RA, Do, BT, Rubin, AJ, Calo, E, Lee, B, Kuchelmeister, H, Rale, M, Chu, C, Kool, ET, Wysocka, J et al.. 2016. Nat Struct Mol Biol 23, 231-8.
    doi: 10.1038/nsmb.3176PMID:26878240
  3. RNA helicase DDX21 coordinates transcription and ribosomal RNA processing. Calo, E, Flynn, RA, Martin, L, Spitale, RC, Chang, HY, Wysocka, J. 2015. Nature 518, 249-53.
    doi: 10.1038/nature13923PMID:25470060
  4. Modification of enhancer chromatin: what, how, and why? Calo, E, Wysocka, J. 2013. Mol Cell 49, 825-37.
    doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2013.01.038PMID:23473601
  5. Rb regulates fate choice and lineage commitment in vivo. Calo, E, Quintero-Estades, JA, Danielian, PS, Nedelcu, S, Berman, SD, Lees, JA. 2010. Nature 466, 1110-4.
    doi: 10.1038/nature09264PMID:20686481

Recent Publications

  1. Targeted Degradation of CDK9 Potently netbet sports betting appDisrupts the MYC Transcriptional Network. Toure, MA, Motoyama, K, Xiang, Y, Urgiles, J, Kabinger, F, Koglin, AS, Iyer, RS, Gagnon, K, Kumar, A, Ojeda, S et al.. 2024. bioRxiv , .
    doi: 10.1101/2024.05.14.593352PMID:38952800
  2. A common cellular response to broad splicing perturbations is characterized by metabolic transcript downregulation driven by the Mdm2-p53 axis. Varineau, JE, Calo, E. 2024. Dis Model Mech 17, .
    doi: 10.1242/dmm.050356PMID:38426258
  3. Meet the Authors: Fardin Aryan, Diego Detrés, and Eliezer Calo. Calo, E, Detrés, D, Aryan, F. 2023. Mol Cell 83, 4193-4196.
    doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2023.11.008PMID:38065057
  4. Nucleolus activity-dependent recruitment and biomolecular condensation by pH sensing. Aryan, F, Detrés, D, Luo, CC, Kim, SX, Shah, AN, Bartusel, M, Flynn, RA, Calo, E. 2023. Mol Cell 83, 4413-4423.e10.
    doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2023.10.031PMID:37979585
  5. SBDSR126T rescues survival of sbds -/- zebrafish in a dose-dependent manner independently of Tp53. Oyarbide, U, Shah, AN, Staton, M, Snyderman, M, Sapra, A, Calo, E, Corey, SJ. 2023. Life Sci Alliance 6, .
    doi: 10.26508/lsa.202201856PMID:37816584
  6. An evolutionarily nascent architecture underlying the formation and emergence of biomolecular condensates. Jaberi-Lashkari, N, Lee, B, Aryan, F, Calo, E. netbet sports betting2023. Cell Rep 42, 112955.
    doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112955PMID:37586369
  7. A unified view of low complexity regions (LCRs) across species. Lee, B, Jaberi-Lashkari, N, Calo, E. 2022. Elife 11, .
    doi: 10.7554/eLife.77058PMID:36098382
  8. Calmodulin inhibitors improve erythropoiesis in Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Taylor, AM, Macari, ER, Chan, IT, Blair, MC, Doulatov, S, Vo, LT, Raiser, DM, Siva, K, Basak, A, Pirouz, M et al.. 2020. Sci Transl Med 12, .
    doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abb5831PMID:33087503
  9. Loss of Sbds in zebrafish leads to neutropenia and pancreas and liver atrophy. Oyarbide, U, Shah, AN, Amaya-Mejia, W, Snyderman, M, Kell, MJ, Allende, DS, Calo, E, Topczewski, J, Corey, SJ. 2020. JCI Insight 5, .
    doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.134309PMID:32759502
  10. RNA helicase DDX21 mediates nucleotide stress responses in neural crest and melanoma cells. Santoriello, C, Sporrij, A, Yang, S, Flynn, RA, Henriques, T, Dorjsuren, B, Custo Greig, E, McCall, W, Stanhope, ME, Fazio, M et al.. 2020. Nat Cell Biol 22, 372-379.
    doi: 10.1038/s41556-020-0493-0PMID:32231306
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