Monika Avello

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Moni coordinates the 7.01 (Introductory Biology) classes and contributes to the department’s digital learning initiatives as a member of the MITx Biology team.




  • PhD, 2018, MIT
  • BA, 2010, Chemistry, Florida International University


As a 7.01 instructor, Monika (Moni) Avello ensures that the two 7.01 (Introductory Biology) classes run smoothly each semester. She designs assessments, supports the students, and promotes the use of digital tools and educational technology for enhancing active and blended learning. She also serves as a sounding board for faculty and teaching assistants to reflect and evolve as educators.

Prior to her role as an instructor, Moni was a Biology Biotechnology Bridge (B3) post-baccalaureate student at MIT and Novartis, and went on to complete her PhD at MIT in the Grossman lab. After graduating in 2018, she became a postdoctoral associate in MITx Biology’s Digital Learning Lab, where she designed online assessments for 7.05x (Biochemistry) and 7.06x (Cell Biology) massive open online courses (MOOCs). She also conducted educational research using learning analytics data from MOOCs.

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