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three people at a whiteboard

Our advanced undergraduate seminar courses focus on the primary research literature, with the goal of introducing you to the methods of contemporary biological research and the logic of experimental design and interpretation. The seminars are taught by postdoctoral scientists who are practicing researchers. They will expose you to the kind of thinking that is central to contemporary biological research and also impart specific knowledge in particular areas of biology.

Advanced seminars are graded pass/fail, carry six units, and meets for two hours weekly.

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  • Small class size (limit of 8 students)
  • High degree of personal contact with the instructor
  • Focus on the primary research literature
  • Lively discussions about biological problems


7.06 Cell Biology  or  7.28 Molecular Biology

Subject offering descriptions

Days and class times are flexible and will be determined at the first class meeting.

Fall 2024

Spring 2025


Past subject offerings